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Footsteps in the Maze: Clues of Spiritual Discovery

Finding peace in life

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

I run into the walls of the puzzling maze of life and turn, seek direction, find more walls, and then a doorway. Consequently, I have mapped out exciting moments in the miles of the labyrinth and find I want to return.

On the Way, Footsteps

A modern traveler devout with dedication, I hope and pray for transformation.| My journey encounters a great discovery, And time’s suspended momentarily.

I feel the bliss of the eternal plane, And see the unveiled prayer’s domain, I enter for a moment, then, And walk with the eternal friend.

My deepest hope will thus remain, That I can sojourn here again.

“A longing to wander tears my heart when I hear trees rustling in the wind at evening. If one listens to them silently for a long time, the longing reveals its kernel, its meaning. It is not so much a matter of escaping from one’s suffering, though it may seem to be so. It is a longing for home, for a memory of the mother, for new metaphors for life. It leads home.”―Hermann Hesse, Wandering.

American author


I write about addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul.

I am a retired rehab counselor, aware of the changes in addiction treatment during my almost five decades in the addiction field. I aim to increase awareness, plant, nourish, and cultivate ideas, images, and emotions about the challenge of addiction to humanity. I stopped drinking long enough to get an education. Although starting and stopping several times after that, I stopped picking up on October 16, 1976. Clean and sober another day, I have only twenty-four hours added to the string. I have not had time to be an intellectual, an Arnold look-alike, or anything colossal except a person with an addiction.

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