

Food Saviors of Traviana!

Mission to Share, Not Waste the Food!!!

Photo by Paul Schellekens on Unsplash

In the city of Traviana, there were two close friends with names Aryan and Alina. They shared everything, including a big heart for helping others.

One sunny day, while roaming in the streets, they noticed something that made them sad. Outside a restaurant, lot of good food were thrown away. Aryan said, "Alina, this isn't right. So many folks in our city go to bed hungry, and here the food is being wasted."

Photo by Hanna Morris on Unsplash

Alina nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "We have to do something, Aryan. We can't let this food go to waste when others need it."

So, they talked to the restaurant owner, Ayan. They explained how they wanted to give the extra food to people who were hungry.

Ayan smiled, "I have felt bad about wasting food too. You can take it to those in need."

With his support, Aryan and Alina started a group called "Food Helpers of Traviana." They told others about their plan to collect extra food from restaurants, bakeries and stores and share it with needy people, who couldn't afford to buy it.

Photo by Simon Reza on Unsplash

People joined their mission and their group grew quickly. They made a plan to pick up the extra food and give it to poor people and charities.

Week by week, Aryan and Alina saw their idea make a difference. Families who were hungry before now had food to eat and their faces glowed up with happiness.

Photo by Sanjoy Sadhukhan on Unsplash

In just a few years, the Food Helpers of Traviana became well-known and Aryan and Alina were heroes in their city. They showed that even in a busy city like Traviana, kindness and helping those in need were important.

Photo by John Onaeko on Unsplash

They taught everyone that food should never be wasted when there are people who need it. Thanks to Aryan and Alina, Traviana became a better place for everyone.


I have tagged few friends, please don’t hesitate to message me if you are not interested🙂🙂🙂

Randy Pulley Lu Skerdoo Diana Pippin Dr. Preeti Singh Shanti C K Sakthi Mahalingam Katherine Myrestad Contentcrafter Julia Julia A. Keirns Julia Medium Ashllyn T. Amir Bibi Jonathan Townend, RMN S.a.n.a.h Rabia Akram Darrin Atkins KAKA LAM 嘉嘉 @iamkakalamkk Molly Pearce Jen L. Jody Wright Azeem Viktoria Marty Katrin Kuhlmann Kacie B.R. Shenoy Joachim Guth

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