avatarBhavnaa Narula


Flowers Talk to Me

In response to the DEP poetry prompt

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This sun-kissed sunflower

Is pretty worn off

Wondering if someone

Would ever pluck it up.

I was strolling around the fields

When a sweet voice stopped me,

Calling me out in the

Most polite manner ever.

I look around to see the petals

Of this sunflower waving at me.

Intrigued yet excited at the sight

I waved back at it.

Why would a sunflower call me?

I thought in the first place.

“Dear lady, you look like an admirer

Of flowers, aren’t you?”

“Oh absolutely, I pluck flowers and offer them to God each day, but why do you ask?”

“Umm, I was just wondering if you’d pluck me too and offer me to God only if you find me worthy enough.”

“Aww, of course, you’re worthy my love. You’re a flower after all, beautiful and sweet. Creation of the lord.”

I plucked it gently and brought it happily to my home offering it God.

I don’t know who was happier to do this.

Me or the sun-kissed flower?🌻

Bhavnaa Narula, 2024.

✍ — Published by Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.

Dep Poetry
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