

First Natives, First Influencers

The OGs of Sustainable Living

Photo by chrissie kremer on Unsplash

Have you ever scrolled through your Insta feed, impressed by influencers showcasing bamboo toothbrushes, reusable makeup pads, and the 101 ways to use avocado pits? It’s all the rage these days, and while that’s commendable, let’s take a minute to remember the original gangsters (OGs) of sustainability: the First Natives. Those marvelous individuals set sustainability trends long before it was cool and certainly before hashtags.

Reusing Before It Was a ‘Thing’

Move over, mason jars. First, Native tribes were the epitome of reuse and recycling. Buffalo, for example, provided the Plains tribes with food, clothing, and shelter. The bones? Oh, they turned those into tools and ornaments. Nothing went to waste. It’s like your aunt using an old cookie tin as her sewing kit but on a much grander and purposeful scale.

Farming? More Like ‘Farming With Feelings’

You’ve heard of companion planting. Well, the First Natives were already ahead of the game. The famous “Three Sisters” planting method — corn, beans, and squash — wasn’t just a random selection. These sisters supported each other. Corn gave beans a place to climb. Beans added nitrogen to the soil. Squash prevented weeds. Together, they form a nutritious trio. Talk about plant BFFs!

Dressing Sustainably (Without the Price Tag)

Modern sustainable clothing brands can cost a pretty penny. However, First Natives made their garments from available resources — animal skins, plant fibers, etc. These clothes weren’t just eco-friendly but tailored to the specific climate and geography. Arctic tribes? They’re flaunting seal-skin parkas. Desert tribes? Breathable cotton tunics. It’s high fashion with a conscience.

No Plastics, Just Genius

Way before, we were struggling with the eternal question, “Paper or plastic?” First, Natives found ingenious ways to store and carry. Canteens made from gourds, baskets weaved from grass, and wooden containers. These solutions are not just sustainable; they’re also undeniably chic.

Wellness and Natural Remedies

Before popping a pill became our go-to solution, First Natives relied on the land for healing. Many herbs and practices they used laid the groundwork for modern remedies. Echinacea? Native tribes were already using that immune-boosting superstar. And don’t get me started on the wonders of sage smudging for purifying spaces. Marie Kondo would be proud.

Problems? They Had Those Too.

While looking back with rose-tinted glasses is tempting, it wasn’t always dreamy. Like any society, First Natives faced challenges. Overhunting, intertribal conflicts, and adapting to changing climates were real issues. But they approached these challenges with respect for Mother Earth, which we could all learn from.

Taking Notes and Giving Thanks

When you feel super proud of your compostable cutlery, remember the OGs of sustainable living and take a moment to thank them for leading the way. They were influencing sustainable practices before impacting was even a word. And that, dear readers, is how you drop the eco-friendly mic.

Stay green, and remember, the best influencer is nature itself!

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Sustainable Living
Eco Friendly
Ancient Wisdom
Zero Waste
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