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Finding Strength in the Sword: Why ‘The Last Samurai’ Is a Must-Watch for Those Struggling with Life

6 life lessons everyone will learn from the blockbuster movie

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Do nothing which is of no use — Miyamoto Musashi

Background Context

Samurai were known to have strict ethical codes, the duty of loyalty, immense strong self-control, courage, self-belief, honor, and indestructible self-discipline.

The Movie ‘The Last Samurai’ was released in 2003, and it reflected some of these Samurai principles. After watching the movie for the first time in 2021, I started seeing life very differently and it changed my life for good.

Quick Plot of the Movie: Tom Cruise (Captain Algren) is sent to Japan to ally with the new Japanese Government (and their Japanese Imperial Army) to suppress the traditional Samurai-headed Rebellion. In the first fight, Captain Algren’s Imperial Japanese Army is mercilessly attacked by the Samurai, and Captain Algren is taken captive where he spends many months with the Samurai. Captain Algren slowly realizes what Samurai are fighting for, and he gets moved by their principles. He later changes his mind and now fights with the Samurai against the Japanese Government (and their Japanese Imperial Army). The Samurai’s life bring a huge change to Captain Algren’s life and changed his perspective on life forever.

Lessons to Learn from the Movie

1. From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue

Samurai were known to practice and only practice the things they were meant to pursue, nothing else — No distractions. No diversions.

Lesson to Learn — Have fewer distractions, and keep doing the things which will make you move forward in life.

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

2. They had indestructible self-discipline

Samurai were known for their self-discipline, they followed discipline right from the moment they woke up (with meditation) until having dinner in the Seiza position.

Lesson to Learn — Having a strong discipline is the road to success. It also gives you the power and inner strength to overcome addictions, procrastination, and laziness and to follow through with whatever you do.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

3. No Mind

One of my favorite scenes of all time — When Tom Cruise (while he is held captive with the Samurai ) practices the sword fighting and doesn’t perform well, a Samurai named Nobutada comes to him and says: Mind sword, mind people watch, mind enemy. Too many mind. …No mind.’

By this Nobutada meant to maintain a mental state free of distraction and just focus on one thing which Tom Cruise was meant to do, that is to fight and just be in the moment and not think of any other things happening around him.

Lesson to Learn — Having a laser-like focus in today’s world full of distraction is so much needed. Following the lesson of no mind in any task you perform will surely make you more successful.

Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

4. Not being impulsive

At the beginning of the movie, during the first war, the leader of the Samurai Katsumoto spares the life of Tom Cruise (Captain Algren) even though he had killed Katsumoto’s brother-in-law a few minutes earlier. Katsumoto takes Tom Cruise with him, only to learn from the enemy.

Lesson to Learn — Never lose your calm and composure, actions taken can never be undone.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

5. Living the way of the Warrior

Katsumoto: ‘Like these blossoms, we are all dying. To know life in every breath, every cup of tea, every life we take. The way of the warrior….’

Lesson to Learn: Every single second, we are moving one step closer to death. Living the way of the warrior is a great way of living, as it means to enjoy and be present in every single breath you take, every single cup of tea you taste, or every single task you do.

Photo by Totte Annerbrink on Unsplash

6. Respect comes with Principles

Out of fear and respect, many people move aside when the Samurai enter Tokyo with their horses. They did not have their swords in their hand and yet the people feared them only because of what they heard about them and their strong principles.

Lesson to Learn — Be a person of principles, disciplines, values, and self-respect, and only then the world will respect you.

Photo by Miltiadis Fragkidis on Unsplash


  1. Practice without distractions until you become perfect.
  2. Have strong self-discipline.
  3. Have a laser-like focus in whatever thing you do.
  4. Never be impulsive, actions cannot be undone.
  5. You are dying every second, live in every single moment.
  6. Be a person of values and principles.


I strongly believe everyone should watch this movie, and there are so many things we can learn from the ways of the Samurai. The Japanese Culture, portrayed by these amazing actors, the direction of the movie, and let’s not forget the music composed by Hans Zimmer combined made a blockbuster that changed my mind and my life forever.


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Life Hacking
Japanese Culture
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