avatarMarjorie J McDonald


Finch Ownership — Chapter 1

How to consider the adventure

Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay

Chapter 1

Several of the finch family do not do well being kept as pets. But there are many species, including the Society, Zebra, and Gouldian finches that make great pets. The offer relative ease of maintenance and they have sweet songs.

The finch is an easy pet and very popular with people living in apartments, having homes, other pets, or children.

Image by Vladimir Strebkov from Pixabay

The finch is a beautiful bird with a little bit of a feisty personality. The finch is a small pet, and the songs are tremendous. Another plus for these birds is that they are very easy to care for and never need much attention. The finch can become so attached to its owner that it will come and perch on the owner’s hand.

A finch can fly. The finch seldom flies far from the cage, but the finch has escaped if they don’t feel safe in their cages or pens.

The most common varieties are the Gouldian Finch, the Society Finch, and the Zebra Finch. These finches come in different colors, and they each variety has a unique personality.

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The Society Finch is the finch that most people think of when they hear the word finch. These birds are very small and easy to keep, and their songs are pleasant to listen to as they sing.

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The Zebra Finch is another finch that most people think of when they hear the word finch. These birds come in an array of colors, and they tend to be more mischievous than their peers. They can be very loud and very friendly when they are not afraid.

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The Gouldian Finch is a much rarer type of finch. These birds are incredibly beautiful, and they can live in much more difficult climates than other varieties. Unlike other finches, this bird can be aggressive occasionally, even when its own kind gets too close to them. The coloration of this bird is highly unique as well. Still, the most appealing trait is the distinct coloration around the head.

Finches are great pets for people with small to medium size homes. The Society Finch is probably the best pet to get if you are considering a finch as a pet.

These birds are almost always happy and calm.

These birds are still full of song and fun.

They are very small. They love to be inside, and they don’t do well in the wind or at high altitudes. This doesn’t mean that they can’t fly if needed or want to fly, but they will prefer a more comfortable life than an outdoor one.

They don’t live as long as other birds of the same variety. Some varieties live up to 12 years, while others may only reach eight years before dying of old age.

Owning a finch is a great experience for children.

The sweet song of a Society Finch, these birds have nothing but love for their owners, and they will let you hear what they have to say.

Another song is a series of beeps from a male Goldfinch. These birds are extremely social, and they will chirp in unison when there is competition among them.

The best bird songs exist to allow us, humans, to get close enough to listen. Choose which of the bird sounds you want to hear. Finches songs are not too loud for apartments.

Finch Pet Care — Finch Feeding Guide for a Healthy Finch Bird

Make sure you provide a well-balanced diet containing fresh and pelleted foods.

All About Finch Feeding — Taking care of finches is a great hobby. So, you may be wondering what exactly do finches eat? And how often should you feed them to keep them healthy? Many different varieties of food out there are for sale. How can you make sure that your finch will be safe and healthy from all the options available? The good news is, as long as you are feeding your bird food that is made specifically for them by trusted brands, you can take advantage of all kinds of delicious and nutritious foods.

Finch Diet — When it comes to finches, you have a lot of different options. These types of birds will eat just about anything. However, when it comes to feeding them the best finch feed, there are some things you should know about their diet if you want them to stay healthy and happy.

Feed your bird so that they will stay healthy and happy.

Finches are small birds, so they don’t eat a lot of food. They only need about four tablespoons each day. The quality of what you feed your finch is more important than the quantity. They eat seeds and enjoy various items like berries, fruit flies, mealworms, and flatworms. This combination of foods will help you keep them happy and healthy in their surroundings.

When you are looking for finch food, make sure that it is specifically for them. Most products are in pet stores or bird shops. Finch food explicitly made for them will have the proper nutrients, so they don’t need to eat as much.

Carefully offer your bird new foods. You don’t want to overwhelm your finch, so if you try a new food out on them, make sure that you are only giving them a little bit of it.

Be sure to replace your water and food dishes every day.

Bath your finch once a week and in the summer even more frequently.

Finches rarely have health challenges. Be sure you give your finch the proper diet and care and place the cage in a draft-free place in your home. Clean your cage once a week, and disinfect the cage once a month.

Indications the finch might be having a health issue:

Loss of appetite

Ruffled feathers

If your finch is sitting with its eyes closed

If the bird tucks its head under one of its wings

If there is any irregular breathing

Image by AtrseeBee from Pixabay

Join me for Chapter 2 and explore more about owning a finch.

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