avatarKallol Mazumdar


Being one with the curves

Fertile Feminine

The water is seething inside the pores

Credits: Scarlett Raifur, Pexels

The crawl on your skin, wrapping, inside the warm embrace of your touch, Do not smudge the colour of your lips,

to tame the vivacious need, to fantasize greed, freed from the churn of the devil on the skewers, burnt and ready to be served

on the platter that moans, growls and roars, jumps in the cosmos, falls on the rivers,

to search and fetch for the voluptuous feminine. The Indic Queen, a deceptive charmer, yet alluring,

arranging and stylizing her naval button, rings fetch inside her tummy, breasts soft and supple

and fetching nectar inside her thighs, dripping chocolate syrup, covered in cocoon laced with honey, fertile as alluvial plains,

In hindsight, she laughs and flowers bloom, the deity blesses the earth’s habitat, the biosphere merges with the ecosphere,

to move within all spheres, in carcaturiuzing gears that move, stay and gaze underneath the jungles from where you emerge, fierce with eyes, laced with lanky curves,

fallen eyelashes, erupting lips that will love to move inside the wormhole of the breeder,

all layers apart, her fierce gaze pierces something deep, yet oozing with a stuttering sensual voice, the drip of her scent,

Credits: Grant Porter, Unsplash

With stylized tone, dark and demure skin, hairs flaring with shining dark glare and lifted natural breasts, she appears,

All in the cosmic heat, we produce by the clash of Venus and Mars, fire and water, creativity and rationale, all combine into one

Flowing tears appear with the experience of bliss, the completion and the feeling reeling under the Peepal tree-dwelling in the railing on its sides,

All light and shadow are the same beneath the cover of flesh and blood, It is all non-dual, just close your eyes detach, and let your spirits do the talking...

As the Fertile Feminine watches you with her fierce eyes, unfolding and unwrapping...

Credits: 6493990, Pixabay

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Credits: Julia Berdo, Pexels
Credits: Thiago, Pexels
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