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Inspirational Poetry

Feel the Sun

And all your worries will run

Photo by author

Bogged down, droopy-eyed never feeling satisfied just cover up and stay inside no need to feel alive

Deep down wondering if that’s really quite comforting look up and let the light come in and dare to step outside

Feel the sun, the warmth, the breeze sometimes you just need a little vitamin D if you want to feel so free take a break where no worries flow through the trees

Feel the sun, the light, the sea and just spend a little bit of time with me feel the sun, feel the sun, feel the sun and all your worries will run

Heart skips, happily no need to live so rapidly spend your time all lazily recharge and make it through

Find yourself laughing now you were sad, don’t know how all because you allowed some fun into your life

Feel the sun, the warmth, the breeze sometimes you just need a little vitamin D if you want to feel so free take a break where no worries flow through the trees

Feel the sun, the light, the sea and just spend a little bit of time with me feel the sun, feel the sun, feel the sun and all your worries will run

© Leah Lynch 2021

Gerald Washington

The Lark
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