avatarJoseph Lieungh


The web content is a reflective poem encouraging mindfulness and emotional detachment, inviting readers to experience and release their feelings in pursuit of inner peace.


The poem "Feel the Feeling" by Ani Po, featured on the website, guides readers through a meditative journey of acknowledging and releasing emotions. It begins with an invitation to sit quietly and close one's eyes, suggesting that in doing so, one can quiet the mind and be fully present. The poem emphasizes the importance of feeling emotions deeply, whether they are pleasant like joy and bliss, or painful like suffering and destruction. It repeatedly poses the question, "Can you let it go?" to encourage the practice of letting go of these feelings, regardless of their nature. The poem concludes by reminding us that all things exist in the mind and that our reality is shaped by our thoughts and feelings. The author, Joseph Lieungh, expresses gratitude to the readers for engaging with the poem and shares a message of deep peace and inspiration.


  • The author believes in the power of quieting the mind to experience the present moment fully.
  • There is an emphasis on the impermanence of emotions and the importance of releasing them to achieve inner tranquility.
  • The poem suggests that both positive and negative emotions should be acknowledged and then let go of, implying a balanced approach to emotional processing.
  • The concept that our reality is a materialized version of our thoughts and feelings indicates a belief in the mind's influence over our experience of the world.
  • The author values the interaction with the audience, expressing appreciation for their time and engagement with the poem.
  • The inclusion of evocative imagery, both personal and from other artists, serves to enhance the poem's message and create a visual connection to the themes of nature and inner peace.

Poetry | Quieting the mind

Feel the Feeling

Then letting it go

Photo taken by Author at Pattison State Park

Sit quietly, but for a moment. Close your eyes, all you see.

Quiet the mind, and the 10,000 things. Enter the feeling, present moment.

Can you let it go?

Breathe in, breathe out.

What comes forth, visionary influx. Feel this feeling, present moment.

Can you let it go?

Imagine blissful, scenery, a favorite of the sort.

Can you let it go?

Pain, suffering, destructive realities.

Breathe in, breathe Out.

Can you let it go?

With every thought, feeling presents.

Can you let it go?

Joy, bliss, ecstasy. Feel the feeling, be present.

Can you let it go?

All things, of matter and inanimate. Exist in the mind, materialized reality.

Can you let it go?

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash
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Letting Go
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