

Fear And Anxiety Can Transform Into High Performance

How To Transform The Uncomfortable Feeling Of Fear And Anxiety Into Next-Level Performance

Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash

I have an unusual perspective for you.

Fear and anxiety are something that permeates our day-to-day lives. But have you ever taken the time to ask yourself what is it?

What purpose does it serve?

Mother Nature obviously put it there for a reason so it must have a purpose.

For a long time, I have struggled with fear and anxiety and it is only now that I realize that the fear and anxiety weren’t a problem. But rather my relationship with it.

See the most common approach to fear and anxiety is to label it as something bad, something to avoid, something to resist.

But what if I told you if you change your approach to it you can completely neutralize it in your day-to-day life?

And even more than that, gain a next-level edge that will help you excel in any endeavor you set your mind to

In this article, that’s the transformation I am going to guide you through.

Fear and Anxiety

The energy of fear and anxiety is a very stimulating high-intensity energy.

Within the body, it releases cortisol and norepinephrine to excite your nervous system and get you wired.

It gets you sharp, it gets you focused. If you know how to use it that way.

See if we resist or suppress this highly intense energy it gets stored in the body and becomes very uncomfortable.

And being able to surrender to it and ride the wave is a skill of its own. But it is possible.

And that comes through being able to accept it rather than resist it. Embrace it rather than fight it and avoid it.

When we are able to do that we are able to let the energy flow smoothly through the body and mind. And not have it get stuck, trapping its energy and making us very uncomfortable.

This leads me to the next thing…

Fear Has A Wisdom

See, the body and mind are so much your intelligence that we give it credit for.

When you are stressing out about something this is actually for your own benefit.

Let’s say you have a big project or big event coming up and a lot is hanging on the line.

Naturally, that is going to create pressure. And pressure makes diamonds.

The fear and anxiety that gets created around this is generally around all the things that can go wrong. Right?

However, we can apply the Law of Polarity to get a next-level competitive edge.

The Law Of Polarity: Everything is dual, everything has poles. Opposites are identical in nature but different in degree

If you are able to identify everything that can go wrong, you can also identify everything that can go right.

Or better said, you can right the wrongs before they even happen. You can do everything that you can possibly do to succeed if you can identify every single variable.

See, the subconscious mind is so intelligent that it is able to identify all of these details for you, below your conscious awareness. And manifest it as the feeling of fear and anxiety.

And if we are able to surrender to the fear and embrace the anxiety, rather than run away from it.

We will be able to align ourselves with the success of the project by gaining wisdom, identifying these variables, and solving them before they ever happen.

We will be able to neutralize the “bad feeling” of fear and anxiety and transform it into higher potential.


Fear and anxiety is not a problem. The problem is in how we have been taught to manage it.

It is actually an incredible response from the body and the mind with the intention to bring forth intuition and wisdom.

It’s only when we resist this feeling and label it as “something bad” that it becomes a problem.

But if we are able to surrender to it and embrace it we can neutralize it as well as get an enormous amount of information and wisdom as to how we can succeed.

When I realized this… I was mind-blown.

I couldn’t believe that this thing that I thought was a problem with me for so long was actually my ticket to high performance and success.

This has completely changed my relationship and made me so grateful for it.

And it is my hope that this article can do the same for you.

Self Improvement
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