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Fairness 🙂

A Poem

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Fairness, oh fairness, a virtue so rare, A jewel to cherish, a treasure to share. A world where all voices are heard and all lives are prized, Where justice is blind and no one is despised.

But fairness is fleeting, a mirage in the sand, A whisper in the wind, a fleeting demand. For in our world of inequality and greed, Fairness is often a luxury, indeed.

From the halls of power to the streets below, Injustice and inequality take root and grow. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, While the marginalized suffer, and justice is slower.

But fairness is a flame that burns bright, A beacon of hope in the darkest of night. It is the dream of a world where all are equal, Where justice prevails and all voices are regal.

So let us stand together and fight for fairness, For a world where all are treated with care. Let us raise our voices and demand what is right, For fairness is the foundation of a just and bright light.

But how do we achieve fairness in a world so rife with strife? It starts with each of us, in our own little life. We can be fair to those around us, big or small, And treat others with respect, one and all.

We can stand up to injustice when we see it, And speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. We can support people that are working to make the world a fairer place, And do our part to create a more just and equitable space.

Fairness is a journey, not a destination, But it is a journey worth taking, without hesitation. For when fairness prevails, the world is a better place, And all of us can benefit from its embrace.

So let us commit ourselves to fairness today, And work together to build a brighter tomorrow, come what may. For fairness is the key to a world that is just and true, Where all people can thrive and pursue their dreams anew.

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1 min read