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Extreme Wealth

It is available to you if you want it

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

How would you like to be wealthier than Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk? While they may have more money than an average person could spend in a thousand lifetimes, how happy do you think they are with their divorces?

What does wealth represent besides money? Let’s look at this question for the true essence of what can make you wealthy.

Wealth beyond the norm

How would you like to experience wealth beyond all of the billionaires’ money in the world? You can, and it all starts inside of you. In fact, you likely already possess more wealth than you realize.

Look at Gates and Bezos. Each has been married for at least 25 years, a large portion of their lives, while Musk has divorced twice. According to many sources, divorce is similar to experiencing the death of a loved one. Some say it is worse. Regardless of wealth, how happy can you be when divorcing someone you once had a deep love for?

Sure, you could say they have enough money they won’t be unhappy for long, but is that true? Some say money can’t buy happiness, while others say it can. Who is right? Maybe both are true for some individuals.

Perhaps it depends on what you do with your money that makes a difference. After all, someone selfish can see others in a poor light, while those who are generous tend to care more for others.

We often hear money alone does not create happiness. If that is true, what does make us happy? Let’s start at the foundation of what helps you create a great life.

What do you appreciate?

As we begin this quest to find riches beyond that of Gates, Bezos, and Musk, let’s examine this simple question:

“What do you appreciate about your life and the lives of others?”

In answering this question, you will find more riches than all the money in the world. As the old saying goes, “There are some things money can’t buy.”

Do you think Gates, Bezos, and Musk appreciate their vast wealth? I would certainly hope so! But apparently, none of them continue to appreciate who was once the most significant person in their lives: their wives. Or perhaps it is the other way around, and their wives do not appreciate them. Regardless, they lost their deep appreciation for their spouse; otherwise, they would not have divorced.

One of the most important lessons you can learn in life is:

“What you appreciate, appreciates.

What you don’t appreciate depreciates.”

What is true wealth?

One thing that brings wealth beyond the riches of the earth is love. True love. Unfailing, steadfast love. If you are a Christian, you have likely experienced this love beyond all understanding. Nothing is more valuable than the love of Christ and your love for Him. Likewise, another person’s deep, caring, affectionate love is beyond compare.

Most people would gladly sacrifice everything they own for true love.

There is nothing I would trade for the love of my wife and my love for her. She is the greatest blessing in my life. Because we appreciate one another often and openly, it will always be so until we leave this earth. How can I know for sure? Since I came within a hair’s breadth of death (read about it here), our love is stronger than ever. I am confident in what I speak on this subject!

The wonderful thing about true love is it is entirely selfless to the point of giving your life for the one you love. What is more valuable than that?

Do you think Gates, Bezos, Musk, or their wives would give up their lives for one another? It is doubtful; otherwise, why would they willingly go through an experience that is so much like the death of a loved one? It would seem some level of selfishness and a lack of appreciation is involved.

Where else does true wealth lie

While the most valuable thing on earth is love, what else is more valuable than money and possessions? Again, the secret to finding true wealth lies in what you appreciate and in things money cannot buy. As the Beatles famously sang in 1964, money “Can’t Buy Me Love.” It never could and thankfully never will.

Do you have good health? If so, your riches are many! Look at Steve Jobs. I am sure he would have traded his entire fortune for good health. Sadly, with all his billions of dollars, the best medical attention he could buy wasn’t enough.

Unfortunately, so many things occupy our minds today we give little or no thought to how blessed we are to be healthy. To begin realizing how wealthy you are, start appreciating your health.

Increasing your wealth

What a world we live in today. With so many modern luxuries and conveniences, we have riches surpassing past kings. The quality of modern medical care alone is beyond anything our ancestors could have dreamed. Not to mention the things we take for granted, such as having practically anything we want delivered to our home within a day or two. And what about food? We have more food and a larger variety than ever in history.

This is to say nothing of the luxury of the basic necessities of today. Little things such as clean running water, showers, bathtubs, and toilets, to name a few. Until the last couple of hundred years, no king in history had it so good! Yes, we are wealthy indeed!

Then, there is wealth beyond the material. Think of the vast stores of knowledge available at our fingertips. You can find practically everything about anything on the internet. You are a Google search away from enormous stores of knowledge unimaginable even 50 years ago.

And that is just the material and knowledge part of the equation. Our greatest wealth comes not from these things; it comes from relationships. Without relationships, life is meaningless. Relationships are life. It is in relationships where the most incredible wealth known to mankind lies.

“The best things in life are never rationed. Friendship, loyalty, love do not require coupons.” George Hewitt Myers (1875–1957)

When I think of the wealth of having my wife, family, friends, and many former colleagues, nothing is more valuable than them. They give me enormous wealth, joy, and happiness. Without them, I would be poor indeed.

Something else that makes me tremendously wealthy includes the wonderful memories from the decades I have lived. I appreciate being able to reminisce about those I have loved and cared about and all we did. I hope to continue to build treasured memories for many years into the future. Tied to these memories are the happiness and joy I have experienced: the laughter, smiles, and great times around others.

Have you noticed what all of this wealth has in common? It costs nothing! No amount of money can buy it. You can only obtain it because of who you are and who you are becoming. Who are you becoming?

By the way, in case you think I am an extrovert, I assure you I am not! My wife is, but I am and have always been an introvert! But being an introvert has nothing to do with my ability to appreciate life and its vast wealth.

What other types of wealth have you discovered?

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” Epictetus (c.50 — c.135 AD)

Final thoughts

In summary, there is so much wealth available to us it can be overwhelming. We only need to open our eyes and appreciate how truly wealthy we are.

What and who can you appreciate today that adds to your wealth? Obtaining this wealth depends on who you are on the inside. If you are honorable, respectable, selfless, and decent, you qualify to become one of the wealthiest people on earth.

Remember, real wealth costs nothing. The most essential thing in life is not money, material possessions, or knowledge — it is purely and simply relationships. Appreciate those you have in your life, and watch your wealth increase dramatically!

“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.” Bernard Meltzer (1916–1998)

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Bill Abbate Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION

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