The Real Reason Priyanka Chopra is Super-Pissed about Rosie O’Donnell’s Tik Tok Video
Recap and analysis of a social media soap opera, in 4 acts

Don’t you know who I am?!
Before I begin, let’s agree on the fact that megastar Priyanka Chopra is at least twice as famous as her celebrity husband Nick Jonas. As an illustration, Chopra has 74 million followers on Instagram compared to Jonas’ piddly 32 million followers.
Jonas is famous, there is no doubt. He’s a popular musician and actor. But actress, singer, dancer, author, style icon, and lip model Priyanka Chopra may just be one of the most famous people in the world.
Comparing Priyanka’s fame to Nick’s fame is like comparing Jennifer Lopez to ex-husband #3, Marc Anthony. They’re just in two different leagues, my friend. There’s no debate here.
So I can imagine that it would come as a bit of a surprise to both of them when, out in public, Jonas is recognized by someone and Chopra is not.
That’s exactly what happened earlier this week when comedian and former daytime talk show host Rosie O’Donnell noticed the power couple at Nobu, a trendy celebrity-filled restaurant in Malibu (that you and I could never afford).
One of the worst things you can do to a celebrity is not recognize their fame.
And let’s just say that Priyanka doesn’t appear to have handled this particular type of snub gracefully.
Act 1: A cringe-worthy encounter
At the restaurant, O’Donnell approached the pair and complimented Jonas on his performance in the television series, Kingdom. She then turned her attention to Chopra and mentioned that she knew her father.
Of course, she was mistakenly referring to author Deepak Chopra, who is of no relation to the Bollywood actress. Priyanka’s real father, Ashok Chopra, actually passed away in 2013.
How embarrassing.
Is it possible that O’Donnell, who’s been out of the spotlight for several years as she raises her children, made an honest and innocent mistake by connecting Deepak to Priyanka?
Of course, it is.
It’s surprising, but it’s possible.
Act 2: ‘Someone’ Chopra and the ‘Chopra wife’

Furthermore, it’s a funny story, given Chopra's level of stardom.
So, an embarrassed O’Donnell later streamed an amusing retelling of the cringe-inducing incident for her fans on Tik Tok. Referring to the Matrix Resurrections star as ‘Someone’ Chopra, she confessed that she actually had always thought that Nick Jonas was married to Deepak Chopra’s daughter.
In the video, she was seen basking in the folly of her own ignorance, as comedians sometimes do.
Excluding Chopra’s first name from the retelling is significant because she also made a not-so-subtle grimace when she recalled the actress’ reaction to her mistake.
She gave the impression, perhaps unintentionally, that Chopra was something less than gracious when faced with the misunderstanding.
O’Donnell wasn’t filming an apology video here. She was simply retelling an awkward story and describing how it embarrassed her dining companions. Nonetheless, at the end of the video, she did make a hasty apology to Nick and Priyanka.
“And so Nick Jonas, I apologize. And to the Chopra wife, I apologize too.
Act 3: The return of Rosie
Rosie must have later experienced a change of heart.
She went back on Tik Tok the next day and clarified that Chopra actually “wasn’t rude”. It was just awkward, she claimed. She said Priyanka was probably just sick of being asked about Deepak Chopra.
In other words, she WAS rude, but she doesn’t want to call her rude.
In any case, O’Donnell apologized to Chopra and Jonas for any hurt feelings.
Act 4: Chopra strikes back
Well, Rosie’s videos clearly did not sit well with Priyanka.
In a biting statement posted to her Instagram account, Chopra blew the whole thing way out of proportion on Wednesday.
She criticized the comedian’s decision to apologize via Tik Tok, and she denied that she’s ever taken herself so seriously as to believe everyone should know her name.
But in a classic celebrity “you should find out who I am” moment, Chopra suggested that O’Donnell google her before commenting online.
And finally, she ridiculously turned O’Donnell’s comments into an issue of worldwide consequence.
“If we can learn to respect our differences in an authentic way, the world we raise our children in, will be amazing.”
Preach it, honey.
The final analysis
There were two lies told during this silly but intriguing online battle, in my opinion.
The first is from Rosie, who claims that she didn’t think Priyanka was rude. When initially communicating the story, O’Donnell mimicked Chopra’s responses using vocal cadence and facial expressions that said otherwise. And even when she made her second video, she clarified that Chopra wasn’t rude while simultaneously indicating that she had every right to be rude.
My conclusion: Rosie thinks Priyanka was rude.
The second lie, in my opinion, comes from Priyanka. She said that she doesn’t expect people to know her name, but then directs Rosie to google her before making a comment about her online. Chopra blew the whole incident out of proportion, even after Rosie apologized. Methinks Chopra doth protest too much.
My conclusion: Priyanka was indeed insulted that Rosie didn’t recognize her at Nobu. Furthermore, she was super-angry about being called out on Tik Tok for her reaction to the snub.
Feel free to debate me, if you feel otherwise. You can check out Rosie’s videos here, and you can read Priyanka’s statement here.
In Hollywood, image-conscious celebrities normally shy away from negatively commenting on other celebrities for fear of controversy.
This fascinating interaction is a rare instance where two big stars tried and failed to publicly contain their distaste for each other.
And as an anthropological study in celebrity behavior, it was riveting.
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