avatarMaya Sayvanova


Exactly How Much I Earn As A Full-Time Writer.

Here’s how much I make and my sources of income.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

I’ve been a full-time writer for 10 years now, and last year, I made 6 figures for the first time (read how here).

The reason it took me so long was that I made a lot of silly mistakes. For years, I only focused on one source of income. I set too small goals (because I thought I wasn’t ready to achieve bigger goals), and then I had my two babies, so I stopped working for a while.

The first year after I got back from motherhood, my mindset and goals shifted, and I managed to achieve what I used to think was impossible.

The 6-figure club.

Last year, I made most of my money from freelance writing and coaching — about $94K, to be exact.

My clients come either through Fiverr (where I’m among the top 1% of freelancers) or through personal referrals.

The rest of my money came from Medium.

This year, I’m shifting gears. I want to work with clients a bit less, and I want to earn more through Medium, books, and digital products.

Managing clients can be extremely difficult and time-consuming, which inspired me to make this decision.

So how much am I making?

Fiverr — $5000-$6000 per month. Specifically, I made $6500 in July and $5300 in August.

Personal screenshot of my Fiverr analytics.

At the beginning of this year, I was moving in the $7000-$9000 range, but since my priorities shifted, my income dropped. I’m saying no to projects I don’t like, I’m not as fast with answering messages, and not as flexible on budgets, which is what reduced my income.

Medium — ±$100 per month. The most I’ve ever made on Medium is $1300 for one month, so I know I can do it. I would like Medium to be one of my main sources of income. I’m working on that now. My Medium income should be at the $2–4K mark by March next year.

LinkedIn — after posting on LinkedIn for just 3 weeks, I got a lead that I managed to convert into a client. We agreed on €50 per hour. We’re about to start working together next week, so let’s see what that adds up to.

Personal referral — another friend decided to use me for social media content for his business. It’s just posts, not ad campaigns, so I’m charging him $350 per month.

I’m currently also looking into adding income from:

  • Affiliate marketing on Gumroad
  • Developing products on Gumroad
  • The Kindle-Vella program

I’m excited to see how much I’ll make this year. Even if I drop below 6 figures in 2023, as I’m making a few changes, I plan to shoot for the stratosphere in 2024.

Want to follow me as I try out platforms, create digital products, and write books on the go with the goal of getting to $500K per year? You can join my free newsletter, One-Person Business Success, here.

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