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‘Everything Happens For A Reason…’ Do Coincidences Actually Exist?

When everything in the world is interconnected, when the idea of humans being separate from the universe is illusory, when we are all one, can there really be such a thing as ‘coincidences?’

Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

When everything in the world is interconnected, when the idea of humans being separate from the universe is illusory, when we are all one, there is no such thing as a ‘coincidence.’

Everything happens for a reason, the universe responding to the energy we give, because, again, everything is connected. So, when people pray to God, what they’re actually doing is putting a message out, a transfer of energy, into the universe, and when we are the universe, when we are inseparable from it, our messages are responded to…

Like waves in the sea, if a gust of wind causes the waves to crash, the whole sea will move, because it’s all connected- the waves make up the sea, the same is true of our thoughts… If a thought causes our mindset to shift, the whole universe will shift, because, as waves in the sea, we are all connected- not ‘a part’ of the universe, but the universe itself.

‘Our Thoughts Have Enormous Power- What We Focus On, Grows.’

Just think about your dreams… When you have a really strange dream, waking up the next day questioning where the contents of that dream came from, only to realise that it was something which had happened the previous day, something which you had thought nothing of at the time, seemingly irrelevant, but something which must have stayed in your subconscious mind for you to dream about it, it’s proof that all energy, whether intentional or not, gets put back out into the universe- recycled- and the universe responds accordingly…

The ‘subconscious becoming conscious’, nothing in the universe is independent and without cause.

A(basic) example of the universe responding to the energy we put out…

When I meet someone and we have so much in common that I find myself thinking, ‘surely this must be fate, what are the chances?’, it is not ‘fate’, it is not a ‘coincidence’, but connectedness, oneness, manifestation being manifested. It is simply the universe responding to the energy I have been putting out, whether intentionally, through manifestation/prayer, or unintentionally, when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed moaning about how ‘awful life is’… Such energy is picked up on by the universe, the ‘higher power’*, which responds accordingly.

*(‘Higher power’ not being ‘God’, a ‘superior being’, at least, not in the traditional sense, (where everything is one, there can be no superiority or inferiority, only oneness), but the universe- ‘higher’ because it is ‘higher’ than our ego driven consciousness)…

‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow you as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart… Speak or act with a pure mind and happiness will follow you as your shadow, unshakable.’

I believe in the law of attraction, in the power of manifestation- give out what you want to attract, pray for the things you want, manifest the life of your dreams.

Was I destined to write about eating disorders, the catalyst to me setting up my blog 5 years ago, was that predetermined by a higher power, or was it simply a case of the universe responding to the energy that I was already putting out into the world? A desire to help people, to talk about my experiences, to be an advocate for recovery?…

‘Although we might not get to choose the cards that life deals us with, the way we play them is all about our own freewill.’

Believing in free will, I don’t believe that things just happen for us without us putting the work in, too. To use myself as an example here, in the summer, I really wanted to start writing full-time. I’d talk about it every week when I was out walking with my Dad, putting the energy out into the universe, telling it of my intention but, I’d never do anything to get there.

Having started writing more, and started submitting my work to publications, I was taking steps to get there, but there was still one thing I needed to do, something that all the manifesting in the world wouldn’t do for me- I had to quit the job I already had.

At the time, I was selling vintage things online, lucrative. I made money doing it, but it took up all of my time, meaning that I had no time to write, and it left me feeling very creatively unfulfilled. I’d talk about how much I wanted to be a full-time writer, but before the universe could respond, I had to, with my free will, leave my current job. I did and, within a few weeks, my writing started taking off.

‘The grass grows where we water it…’

No such thing as ‘coincidences’ then, as I wrote about in this post, manifestation works- the universe listens and responds- but, you have to put the work in yourself to ensure that the conditions for the universe to respond accordingly are in place, so that you are primed to thrive.

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