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Eventually a narcissist will collapse and receive their karma…

At some point a narcissist will experience a narcissistic collapse…

Because manipulation and gaslighting requires constant effort.

Because trying to constantly control people or scenarios by making false accusations, trying to destroy reputations, and stonewalling; is exhausting.

Their constant need to manipulate and control people by seeking attention through their outbursts, their self-harm behaviours, and the need to constantly find new supply, becomes tiring.

Their constant discarding of relationships once they’ve realise their mask as become see-through and their cover has been blown, becomes a rollercoaster ride of an unsettled life.

They’ll eventually be left all alone.

Because anyone who ever loved or cared about them, was only ever a tool for them.

They were only ever an ego feeder for the narcissist.

Everyone will have left them because they grew tired of being treated badly and being taken for granted.

The narcissist will experience the most intense levels of anxiety, depression, and sometimes experience a full blown mental breakdown.

The narcissist will no longer be able to receive the external validation they need to constantly feed their ego because they have no one left to feed their ego.

They have no one left to suck the life out of, in order to feed theirs.

They will realise that they had no love for themselves; and that they in fact hate themselves.

They will realise that the monster they’ve been running from, was really the monster within them.

They will be exhausted from constantly playing the role of their fake persona.

They will experience a painful disorientation as the come to terms with their loss of identity.

As they realise that they’re grandiose image of do no wrong is threatened, they will lash out, and they will rage.

But as karma finally catches up to them; they will collapse in a heap.

Unable to keep going.

Because their feelings of inadequacy have triggered a collapse event due to something much deeper.

Because deep down inside a narcissist actually has low self-esteem, low self-worth, and a lot of wounds.

They have trauma so deep that the only way they know how to deal with it is by lashing out and creating trauma for others so that others feel the pain they’ve been trying to hide.

Their constant control, manipulation of others, and validation seeking manages to divert their attention away from this.

They manage to create and live in a distorted reality to hide what they’re really running from.

They will end up angry, bitter, resentful, and hostile.

They will end up depressed, anxious, and unable to keep functioning the way they once could.

But can they recover?

Can they ever really change?

Believe it or not; YES, they can…

BUT, they have to be willing to change, and they have to be willing to put in the work.

They have to be willing to lose their false persona, and embrace the person they really are.

They have to be willing to realise that they themselves need healing, and that healing is an internal job for them.

They need to realise that seeking validation, adoration, and approval from others, isn’t what makes them whole.

This is no mean feat for a seasoned narcissist.

The only way they can recover is by letting go of their ego that has provided their grandiose and self-admired perception for so long.

Only once they do this can they then begin to take steps towards a more empathetic existence with humility and care.

Sadly, most won’t do this.

Because their false, distorted illusion of who they think they are, still continues to get in the way.

So in the end they will choose loneliness and bitterness, over accountability, healing, and a life where they don’t have to pretend.

In the end, a narcissist will internally experience all of their own pain, and the pain they have caused others; except it will be magnified.

They will have lived a life that was never true to who they really were.

They will be left with a life filled with regrets, anger, and bitterness.

Eventually the narcissist will get their karma…

Because their life, in the end, was one that was completely wasted…

~ Mark

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Narcissistic Abuse
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