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Energy Body Hack to Know If You Need Supplements

Are supplements good for us and how do we know if we really need them? Try this DIY energy body hack without having to go to the doctor.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

Many people take supplements they do not need and I will tell you how I realized this through personal experience.

Are supplements good for us and how do we know if we really need them? I’ll share with you an energy body hack that a cancer survivor passed on to me.

I used to take Vitamin C, D, Omega 3, Zinc, Multivitamins, and Calcium and I am sure other supplements that I cannot recall right now.

I have not taken a supplement for years. I am also not on any fortified foods or shakes and the like.

Many years ago I met a woman who had healed herself from cancer. She taught me many things. One of which was how to know if your body needs something.

We first practiced on supplements and then I used the same method of testing with other foods.

I was amazed!

It was like pure magic and also a fun game.

You are going to love this method and you will never have to worry about taking pills/supplements that you don’t really need.

In this story, you will learn more about supplements, I will share the method you can use to determine if you need the supplements you are currently taking and I will also share three nutrients to keep an eye on.

What is a supplement and how is it used?

A dietary supplement is a product that comes in the form of a tablet, pill, capsule, powder, or liquid and it is used to enhance one’s diet.

According to an NIH study where yearly consumer surveys were done over a 5-year period, when you take into account occasional and seasonal use of supplements, as well as regular use, dietary supplement use is slightly more prevalent in the United States.

The majority of people who take nutritional supplements use a multivitamin, and many take a mix of products.

The most frequent reasons for taking supplements are to promote general health and wellness or to compensate for vitamin deficiencies.

Supplement users are more likely than nonusers to engage in a variety of beneficial behaviors, suggesting that supplement use is part of a complete approach to living a healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Daily Nouri on Unsplash

What does science say?

You should consider the supplements you take as well as fortified meals and beverages.

Johanna Dwyer, RD, a senior research scientist at the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements says that most people are not aware that there is no actual benefit to taking more than the suggested levels of vitamins and minerals, and we don’t realize that there may be drawbacks.

If you are going to take a supplement, make it no more than the daily value. (A daily value is the quantity of a vitamin or nutrient that a person should consume on a daily basis for optimal health.)

I am adding Dr Mehmet Yildiz reviews, 17 Unique & Nutritional Molecules Improving Health and Controversial cognitive-enhancing supplements that can give you more in-depth and interesting information.

Three nutrients to keep an eye on

According to Johanna Dwyer, vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid are three nutrients that you are at risk of consuming too much of, particularly through supplements.

Adults who consistently exceed the 4,000 international units (IUs) daily safe limit for vitamin D, risk major cardiac issues.

Folic acid is added to enriched grain products such as white flours, pasta, rice, bread, and cereals. While folic acid fortification has reduced birth abnormalities by 25% to 50%, it may cause additional health problems.

It’s not difficult to consume more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid per day, the daily limit.

This may mask the symptoms of vitamin B12 insufficiency in elderly persons. If not treated, vitamin B12 deficiency might result in permanent nerve damage.

Photo by Daily Nouri on Unsplash

DIY energy body hack to know if you need a supplement

As I said before, someone who healed herself from cancer taught me this method.

She went through a number of alternative therapies to get to the place of knowing her body,

She also taught me about energy and how it works in relation to the body.

Our bodies communicate with us. If you learn how to do this effectively you really don’t need doctors to tell you what your body is signaling to you.

The mind-body connection.

It is our responsibility to develop this.

The easy DIY method to know if you need a supplement :

It is really fun to do this with a friend. Never tell them what you are doing, even though still you cannot manipulate it, but it is better if they don’t know.

You can make turns to do this with eachother.

You need two people for the exercise.

1 — Take the product, like the capsule, e.g. your omega 3 capsule, and put it in the hand you do not write with. You can also ask your friend to take all your capsules and they can choose which to put in your hand, to test one at a time.

2 — Close the hand with the capsule.

3 — Now take the thumb and second finger of the other hand and pinch them together as hard as you can.

4 — Your friend’s task is to open/unlink the two pinched fingers. [Kinda like arm wrestling with fingers]

The result:

A — if the two fingers open easily, you need the capsule.

B — if you are able to hold the grip, then you don’t need the capsule.

~You can test this with anything, like put fruit in the hand or a piece of meat or whatever.

~Always ensure that your intention is pure. This is about communication with your body and optimal health.

~The difference between holding the grip and not being able to hold the grip is very clear — you won’t believe it, sometimes you hold your fingers so tight and then they open so easily like they are feather-light. Other times it is impossible.

How does it work?

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and know better than any doctor what we need and don’t need to put into it.

It also communicates very clearly to us if we are open to listening.

The method I share above works on the principle that if your body needs a nutrient, it is weaker, thus your two-finger grip is weak and the link is broken easily.

When your body does not need the supplement, it is strong, thus you cannot unlink the two fingers and break the grip.


We tend to put many things into our bodies that don’t belong there.

Some of us take a lot of supplements and we never question if we really need them or not.

Our bodies are not designed to be overloaded with products. Think about a phone that is loaded up with a bunch of unnecessary apps that are not used.

Make sure that if you do take supplements, you stick to the daily limit.

Before you take any supplements, use the DIY trick I share above to test if you need supplements.

It might sound simple or strange, yet when you try it you will realize how effective it is.

Do let me know how it works for you!

Thanks for reading!

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