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Empires and the Yin and Yang of Man

Humanity Given Time is a Greater Force Than Any Man-Made Artifact of Control. Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

The undercurrent in the sea of humanity in today’s world is the dream of Klaus Schwab of the “World Economic Forum” and the globalist organization he is harnessing below the title.

Many lessons can be harnessed from men in the History of humanity and the ambitions of men like Klaus Schwab. In history, they were/are known as, Empire Building.

Imperialists in the past, like the Greeks and the Peleponician War of the Athens Empire, the Romans, the Spanish, and later the English Empire, all killed millions of people for the sake and ambition of men.

Victor Davis Hanson discusses this in the Imprimis article¹, “Imperialism: Lessons From History.” Most empire builders have three characteristics in common.

  1. Their leaders always say or believe that their imperialist policies have little to do with self-interest.
  2. Dependence for enforcement — Superior Military Power.
  3. The cost of control has always outweighed the benefits.

One item not mentioned but worth noting is — The ambition of men has killed millions of people throughout history in the name of “better and the benefit of men.” There is a challenging long list of millions of people killed in Wikipedia.

A second item not mentioned but seems obvious is — No empire has survived the test of time.

Karl Schwab’s attempt at building a “World Economic” empire through the “World Economic Forum” is no different from any other attempts in the past.

WHY? — The seduction of absolute power over humanity has been and is “superficially advantageous.” Eventually, the “Cost of Control” outweighs everything.

The bottom line is the “emotions of man and time.”

The equation — Empire Building < Human Emotion + Time

Just like Karl Schwab is building a vision of a transnational ruling class with the elite class of the world (business, political, media, and academia) and “harnessing the cross-national powers to issue edicts on climate change, public health, diversity, human rights, and taxes, that override the will of national majorities (Victor D. Hanson),” the rest of us will kill all that. Even if it takes generations, that too shall pass.

If there is nothing else we have learned throughout History (time), it is the yin and yang of human emotions.

Photo by Rishabh Dharmani on Unsplash

Humanity + Time > Any Man-Made Artifact of Control

People who harness ephemeral power or think they are in a position of Power have illusions, like Pericles of Athens, Caesar of Rome, Ferdinand II of Aragon, and Isabela I of Castile of Spain. Also, meteoric dictators who, by killing millions of people, harness power through mere fear like Hitler, Stalin, MaTse Tung, and today’s little wanna-be Vladimir Putin.

The Empire Power equations are upside down

The one thing that has a chance of perennial goodness is the attention given to every individual in society and not allowing ANY government or entity across the World to tell you or me what is good or not good.

As long as we are “free” to choose our path, live our lives in peace, grow our children with our customs, and respect each other individualism, we can build a society that can withstand the test of time.

If we don’t want to be brain slaves to a worldwide system of any type, the best way to do it is to make every “individual count” in our “system” of government.

If you want to get a sense of this, watch “Band of Brothers.” An HBO series that is good for the ages. Individuals of all sorts of life come together as soldiers to liberate other individuals who have been enslaved by a murderous system of government run by egomaniacs.

Our Declaration of Independence and Our Constitution allow us that Individuality.


  1. Imprimis, “Imperialism: Lessons From History” (July, August 2023 | Vol 52, Number 7/8)
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