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The author reflects on their journey of managing emotions and rediscovering themselves after discontinuing the use of antidepressants, emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and developing coping strategies.


The article delves into the personal experience of the author who has stopped taking the antidepressant Venlafaxine, as advised by their doctor. It explores the profound impact this change has had on their life, including learning to healthily embrace a full range of emotions, challenging societal stereotypes about male stoicism, and reconnecting with their true self. The author discusses the initial difficulties of coping without the emotional buffer provided by medication, the process of rediscovery, and the empowerment gained from developing mindfulness practices and a supportive social circle. The narrative underscores the author's resilience and the transformative power of facing emotions without pharmaceutical assistance, advocating for the potential benefits of life after antidepressants with the right support and self-care.


  • The author believes that expressing emotions, including vulnerability, is a sign of strength and an essential part of the human experience.
  • They challenge the toxic notion that crying or showing vulnerability is a weakness, especially within the context of societal expectations for men.
  • The author acknowledges that while life without antidepressants is challenging, it is also rewarding and has allowed them to feel more authentic emotions.
  • They have learned to identify emotional triggers and navigate their emotions independently, which has instilled a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  • The author values the support of a stable social circle, including Layla's family, and credits this support as a key factor in their ability to maintain a positive outlook on life without medication.
  • They emphasize that antidepressants can only take a person so far and that eventually, one must confront their emotions directly to achieve genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Embracing Life After Antidepressants

Photo by Stainless Images on Unsplash

My life has been a journey encapsulated by unexpected paths and change. The most recent unexpected turn was my doctor choosing to take me off my antidepressant, Venlafaxine. This choice has helped reshape my life in profound ways as I learned to manage emotions without the support of a tablet. In this article, I take a look at how different life has been since I took this brave step.

Breaking Stereotypes:

Post-tablets, one of my newfound abilities is to embrace my emotions, both positive and negative, healthily. In a society that is dominated by assumptions of stoicism within men, I’ve learned that it’s safe to express emotions and a natural part of being human. I’ve burned down toxic notions that crying and showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness and instead, I see these emotions as an act of strength and an acknowledgement of my inner self.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Continuing Without Antidepressants:

Antidepressants used to serve as a safety net for me as they provided a makeshift buffer against the intensity of my emotions. However, life isn’t meant to be easy and I’ve learned that I can manage these emotions as long as I acknowledge them first. Since ending these medications, I have faced the full spectrum of emotions and come out the other side. It isn’t always easy, I find myself becoming more anxious and stressed around smaller situations but I also now know how to cope with it healthily. I’m doing this because I have learned to ride the emotional wave and help achieve more happiness throughout my day-to-day life.

Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

Rediscovering Myself:

Coming off antidepressants has set me down a path of rediscovery within myself. I’ve reconnected with the person I used to be before my struggles and life is starting to feel amazing. My trauma is starting to be put in the background as I move forward with my life. I’ve learned how to identify triggers for my emotions and I can confidently say that I can navigate the highs and lows independently. I am incredibly proud of this process and cannot wait to continue on my journey of self-discovery.

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

The Power of Coping:

The most empowering point I have taken from this experience is the knowledge that I can cope with anything life throws at me. I have experienced the worst of traumas and have still come out the other side with a fight. I no longer see myself as a victim or a survivor, just an ordinary person looking to live a nice, quiet and happy life. I’ve honed my mindfulness practices around my new schedule, developed healthier routines and a brilliant, new sleep schedule that means I get a nice wake-up in the morning before work and some vital time with Layla in the evening after work. I feel like I have a new family now, and Layla’s family have been so welcoming in the past two years. It’s nice to be part of a structure that finally feels stable again after so long. These valuable tools have helped me maintain a renowned lust for life without the aid of a tablet.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

If there’s anything to take out of this, it’s that the word “stereotype” is just that, a word. I have aimed to shatter the stereotypes around men and suppress emotions by showing that life can start to feel better away from medication with the right support circle, life circumstances and self-care. It is a very long and arduous process, but only we can change how we feel inside. There’s only so far an antidepressant can take us before we have to venture down the path of emotions alone. The path will never be easy, but I promise it is rewarding. Thank you for taking the time to read my article, and I wish you nothing but the best on your path ahead.

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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