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Embodying Soul: A Return to Wholeness

Section 4: Chapter 24—Process of Soul Embodiment

Author’s Own

Dear Reader: Welcome to Section 4!

Well, I couldn’t exactly write a book called “Embodying Soul” without at some point explaining what embodying soul means to me. For this, I turned to my soul and my soul’s guide, Rasa. She’s not much for lists, but understanding my need for them, she obliged.

Oh, and you’ll also learn what Rasa’s secret project is—and what her name stands for!


Part 4: Absorption and Assimilation

Like a sponge, the skin absorbs the necessary nutrients, oxygen, and moisture to stay supple and strong. However, there is a limit to what the skin can absorb. If the skin is lathered with too many products, even if they are of good quality and used with good intentions, they may create a buildup that can become toxic.

Chapter 24: Process of Soul Embodiment

Rasa takes my hand and pulls me toward the pond. Along its sandy shore is a red-checkered picnic blanket with a white wicker basket in the center. “Lunch has arrived, and wait till you see the feast that awaits us!” she says, gesturing toward the basket. “Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet corn, radishes — some of Grandma’s pleasures from the Earth Realm, made just for you.”

I haven’t needed to eat a meal since my return to the Soul Realm. But suddenly my stomach rumbles, and I sit down cross-legged on the blanket, open the basket, and inhale the pleasurable scent of home-cooked Earth Realm food.

“Come on, wild one!” adds Rasa, welcoming my wolf with a pat. “Don’t think I forgot about you!”

Curiosa sniffs at her meal, a book entitled Fostering Reunions Between Humans and Their Lost Soul Animals, One Soulfully Crafted Match at a Time by Rights Advocate for Soul Animals, aka Rasa. Curiosa devours it in a single bite.

“So that is your project! You are building an animal shelter for soul animals who are neglected or lost!” I exclaim before I dive into buttery mashed potatoes.

“Exactly,” she says with a proud smile. “And while the animals rejuvenate, I will campaign on their behalf to their human owners through various means. In my research, I have found that memory is a particularly effective way to awaken humans to the gradual loss of their wholeness.”

Questions pop into my mind. “Why is this needed now? What other care services will you provide? And, most importantly, where will it be located?” I ask.

With her mouth showing fierce determination instead of her usual fun-loving smile, Rasa explains, “In other Earth Realm times, and in many places where the earth is still revered and humanity less tiered, humans not only respect their soul animals but actively seek their companionship. However, with so much power and influence currently going toward building and sustaining the material world, very little energy remains for the mysterious inner world. This has made soul animals endangered. Their great gifts remain unused, left to spoil like unpicked fruit, and the animals themselves are suffering, many starving or dying.”

I give Curiosa a reassuring pat and remark, “Humans. They search the whole planet for a soul mate, never realizing they have one already in their soul animals.”

“This is a Great Truth you speak,” my innovative friend continues, her tone resolute. “At the shelter the animals, birds, and reptiles will be fed, washed, and kept strong and healthy until their humans are ready to reclaim them. As to your final question,” she says, her tone brightening, “do you remember the bridge that connects the material realm to the spiritual realm? The one that humans cross when they’re seeking deeper dimensions and more truth?”

I nod.

She continues, “I am setting up shop just on the spiritual side of that bridge. Humans seeking to reunite with their soul animals — which usually indicates they are seeking a fuller, richer life and are willing to take some risks to that end — will need to venture at least a few steps into the infinite, timeless world of the spirit. This single visit may lead to more, which could lead to other humans also following the path over the bridge. This could eventually lead to a tipping point, and a much-needed spiritual revolution in the Earth Realm.”

“Which could lead to a healthier, stronger planet with more mindful, awake, compassionate humans,” I add. “It is clever, and quite profound, Rasa! How did you think of it?” I asked, impressed by her ingenuity.

She shrugs and replies, “I saw the need, I felt called, and in a soul blink, it became my personal passion, my singular purpose. Now I am so immersed in this work, I know that I will not cease until every human is reunited with its soul animal.”

Inspiration jolts through my soul body. “Yes, that is what my eternal search for the Great Truth feels like — a calling, something I can never give up,” I say.

Rasa pushes her jeweled glasses further up the bridge of her nose and, with a tone of finality, says, “Well, then it is time we talk about the process of embodiment and how to communicate with your ego. Because without this embodiment, and without the strong communication embodiment would cultivate between you and your ego, your search for the Great Truth will likely be sidelined in favor of following the ego’s desires for acceptance and belonging.”

At the mere sound of the word embodiment, a thrill rushes through me.

“Definitions first, my dear. Let us talk about what embodiment means. Do you still have those Earth Realm dictionaries at your disposal?” Rasa asks.

“They are never far from me,” I reply, grinning. I conjure up a few dictionaries and websites and browse through them. “The dictionaries define embodiment as the ‘Representation or expression of something in tangible form.’ So under that definition is not an apple embodied? Or a book? Or even a rock?” I ask.

Rasa tilts her head and replies, “I would assume so. Keep looking. There must be something more specific.”

I search for definitions of soul embodiment rather than simply embodiment. I find decent ones. “This one says, ‘Soul embodiment means allowing the soul to fully incarnate into the body.’ And another says embodiment means ‘opening to the highest levels of experience of the true self.’ Still none fully grasps the feeling state of embodiment. Perhaps I shall write my own definition,” I say.

“I was hoping you would do that,” replies Rasa, who with a snap of her fingers sends the dictionaries away.

I pace slowly as I consider. I have certainly experienced embodiment in some of my previous lifetimes, sometimes for only a few seconds, other times for days or even weeks on end. But never yet for an entire lifetime. I feel confident that little by little, life by life, I will experience it more and more. I close my eyes and speak of embodiment from what experience I have rather than from some memorized definition: “Soul embodiment is an authenticity of feeling. It means to live in alignment with the naked truth of human experience and be aware of its impact on all layers, visible and invisible, of the human body. To be embodied means to feel without boundaries, discrimination, or judgment all that is available to be felt in each moment. It is a borderless, skinless experience in which the soul is no longer contained within the body and mind, but the body and mind are contained within the soul.” I open my eyes.

“That is exquisite,” Rasa replies, nodding.

“More than anything I long for embodiment in this upcoming human life,” I say, as I cross my hands at the wrists and place them over my heart.

“Surely you do. Which is why I wrote you a reminder list,” Rasa says, grinning mischievously as she offers me a piece of paper folded in thirds.

“A list? From you?” I repeat.

“I know,” she says flipping a wrist dismissively, “I don’t usually write lists — especially for things that are, by nature, far more complicated than a list allows for. But some souls, like you, prefer lists, and it matters that every soul has access to this critical information in whatever format suits them best. Please consider these as only general guidelines rather than absolute rules.”

Still smiling, I open the list she has given me, composed in her graceful, ornate handwriting.

Process of Soul Embodiment, by Rasa

Step 1) Use your unlimited creativity to assure the ego of your existence and that you, Serene Voyager, will not be marginalized to the role of silent witness or be someone from whom to garner occasional support.

Step 2) Use the emotions and creativity of your soul animal to assist in interim communications with the ego. The more devoted she becomes to the creative power of her soul animal the thinner the veil between her and you will become. In addition, try to teach the ego to honor the emotions as useful messengers. The language of emotions is the mutual language of soul and ego, therefore in listening to her emotions she will move nearer to you.

Step 3) Guide the ego toward experiences that will take her deep inside her body and mind to feel and reflect, for body awareness and soul embodiment are codependent and evolve simultaneously. Encourage the ego not to suppress emotions but to allow everything its right to exist, as suppression will only drive experiences deeper into the subconscious. Once brought into consciousness, fears and insecurities will lose their power, and what is meant to be released will fall away, while what is meant to remain will be enriched. The more she feels, the more embodied you will become. The more embodied you become, the more she will feel.

Step 4) Remind the ego that letting go is a natural process over time, one that cannot be rushed, but failure to let go of anything will eventually result in running out of room to absorb new things. Every inhale needs an exhale.

Step 5) Strengthen communication with the ego by establishing feelings that mean yes and no. Then as the ego awakens further and soul embodiment deepens, refine this system of communication. Suggestions for improving communication between the ego and soul are the following:

• Use synchronicities, signs, and gut feelings linked with events to encourage the ego’s awakening.

• Let the ego hear what she needs to hear through her teachers, guides, and mentors.

• Use moments of silence and stillness, or other moments when the ego is receptive, to communicate to her, as such moments are open doorways for dialogue. Over time, she will understand that she can dialogue with you more directly and consciously.

Step 6) Assure the ego that the process of awakening and soul embodiment cannot be reversed, despite the fact that egos can deny, deflect, and project. Let the ego know that while this process of soul embodiment is challenging, it is no more challenging than living a life without soul. Remind her that she is loved — by you, by Endless Curiosity, and by the creator of the universe perpetually — and that nothing she does, says, or thinks can cause her to lose that love.

After reading this wise list, I look at its author, her fingers interlaced, her thumbs rolling nervously. “Rasa,” I say, “this list is most impressive.”

“Thank you,” she says, blushing as we laugh together.

“I do have a question. How will I remember these steps once I cross through the River of Forgetting?” I ask.

She looks at me and replies, “Why, through books of course! As soon as you read the truth, you will recognize it as such. Now let us check on Overlap’s progress, shall we?”

Together we close up the picnic basket and roll up the blanket. With Curiosa right behind us, we stroll back to the precipice.

“Sëri,” Rasa says, placing her hands on her hips and nodding in mock sternness toward the nearly empty suitcase waiting on the park bench, “we had better direct our focus on packing the soul tools needed for your next life.”

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Chapters 22 & 23

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Chapter 25

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