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Elon Musk May Burn Twitter Down: Tarot Reading

He’s too ideological and may inadvertently sacrifice the company in the culture war.

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Elon Musk has bought enough shares in social media giant Twitter that he’s now the largest shareholder and a member of the board. This gives him a massive influence on Twitter’s future that has the world spinning. Will he make conservative dreams come true or is this just another elitist vanity project?

I decided to find out what his real intentions are using a tarot reading. Remember: this is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.

Here I’ll be using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Moonology oracle decks (these are affiliate links that help support me if you make a purchase).

Let’s get to the bottom of this social media controversy.

The Cards

Image by Emmarie Hodge

He’s Not Out to Make Money

The first card that stuck out to me in the reading was the King of Pentacles, Reversed. I see this as Musk’s role in Twitter and it’s not in the company’s favor. He won’t have the Midas Touch he’s known for in business and I think that’s because he’s simply not interested in making a profit.

People have noticed his more conservative comments on free speech when it comes to social media and his purchase of the shares almost seems like a hostile takeover. It appears he intends to change company policy to favor his political and cultural perspective rather than one that embraces the bottom line.

Add to the fact he’s already extremely busy with his other companies, reportedly working an insane 80+ hours a week in some articles, and I have to wonder if he would even be able to make Twitter more profitable if he tried.

He Wants to Stop Something

The next card, the Eight of Wands, Reversed, indicates that Musk is trying to pull the breaks on something he sees as a threat. Although he may have been buying shares in Twitter for a while, something caused him to make a rather impulsive decision to take as much control of the company as possible.

The effect of this decision will cause Twitter to come to a standstill. No doubt he will try to push for policy changes, some of which will surprise even conservatives, and it will hurt the company in the short term.

There’s something in his actions that suggest he’ll cause damage if he needed to accomplish his goals. In fact, doing damage and bringing the company to a halt seems very much part of his plan as it may be the only way he can take control effectively.

This card is the primary reason I think his actions are ideological: wand cards can represent passions and he’s not a fan of liberal woke culture on social media.

He’s Not Investing in Twitter’s Future

The third tarot card here is the Seven of Pentacles, Reversed. This is the card I think the company needs to pay attention to the most and that’s because Musk’s goal is unrelated to Twitter itself. He isn’t trying to improve Twitter for Twitter’s sake, whether you agree with his perspective or not, but something else.

I sense he probably wants to create a free speech platform, but if Twitter doesn’t fall in line, I think he’ll nuke the company and put his weight behind a competitor. In his mind, Twitter isn’t as important as the mechanism behind twitter — and that can and has been replicated by other companies.

He Won’t Be Able to Change Twitter Easily

Right now Musk is looking pretty villainous if you’re on the left or even if you’re a conservative shareholder.

His first oracle card, the Third Quarter Moon, has the wisdom message of “Adjustments are required.” I read this both as Musk’s plans for Twitter, but also as a warning from the universe about his plans.

Musk is trying to change a company that is already firmly established. Any changes he wants to enact will be difficult as Twitter is already going in one direction. He’ll never be able to truly make it into the free speech platform he wants without cleaning house. And if Musk realizes that — Twitter might just die.

He May Need to Sue for Peace

Despite all the negative things I’ve said about Musk, I don’t think it fully captures the complexity of his character. In that, we see more of his intentions in his final oracle card, the New Moon in Virgo with the wisdom message of “A time to give rather than take.”

Musk is not someone who only tries to make a profit. He’s always been ideologically driven, and sometimes those ideals have been shared by liberals rather than conservatives. And this ideological emphasis is actually one both sides of the culture war expect from influential people.

It seems like Musk truly believes in the value of unrestricted speech and is willing to lose money to make it happen.

That said, he needs to remember that his ideals, whether moral or immoral in the end, may not be beneficial to Twitter and won’t be well-received by everyone. Musk may have entered into a battlefield he can’t escape and it may lead to him having to sign a truce if he wants to survive.

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