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Food/Health & Wellness

Effective & Natural Solution To Reverse Thinning Hair With Nutrition

Hair loss and or thinning hair can undermine a person's self-esteem

Some say bald is beautiful, but those who lose their hair disagree. Photo by Ahmed Carter on Unsplash

It is natural for our hair to lose volume and strength as we age, so it is better to naturally slow down this process for our beauty and self-esteem.

What Causes Thinning Hair And Or Hair Loss?

Thinning hair affects both men and women alike, as we can see in Jada Pinket-Smith, Khloe Kardashian and Leonardo Di-Caprio. This tells us, that thinning hair is no respecter of wealth or poverty.

Hair loss can be a result of hormonal imbalance, hereditary, (usually men baldness) stress autoimmune disease called alopecia areata, and hypohidrosis (abnormal sweating that is not related to heat or exercise).

However, the most common cause of hair loss is the deficiency of vital B vitamins, proteins and zinc.

These essential nutrients are important to nurture the hair follicles.

Telogen effluvium hair loss is reported by COVID survivors where chunks of hair come out in lumps. This is often triggered by a high fever, viral infection or extreme stress. This should be temporary, up to six months or so. Nevertheless, appropriate nutrition will provide healthy regrowth.

Hair loss can also be as a result of chemotherapy.

Essential Nutrients For Healthy Hair

Biotin — is one of the B vitamins. A study of women who took Biotin for six months reported voluminous hair than those who took placebo. Other B vitamins are essential to carry oxygen and nutrition to hair follicles and scalp to nurture hair growth.

Foods rich in Biotin are, oats, egg yolk, wheat germ, mushroom and spinach.

Zinc — is known to supply oil glands that surround hair follicles. Food rich in zinc includes among others, eggs, meat poultry and kinds of seafood (mainly oysters). Plant sources are broccoli, mushroom, garlic and leafy vegetables like kale and spinach.

Millet Seed Oil (MSO) — contains milliacin which helps to reduce scalp dryness and enhance hair growth. Millet is a good source of protein, so supports the growth of keratin, a protein that is the main building block of healthy hair.

‘’Notably, MSO was observed to improve hair growth and thickness in mice with hair growth inhibited by testosterone. Our results suggest that MSO can be used as a therapeutic that can help prevent or treat hair loss in alopecia.’’

A related post by the same author:

The Takeaways

  • Biotin, like all B vitamins, is water soluble, so excess is easily eliminated from the body.
  • Some types of hair loss are hereditary, like male or female pattern baldness. These tend to be permanent without any solution.
  • It’s normal to lose hair every day. We all lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, often without noticing.
  • Most hair loss does not need treatment and is either temporary (especially if due to stress) or as a result of ageing.
  • Eating raw egg whites often can limit Biotin absorption in the body.


Although great research has gone into this post to give the true and genuine substance to it, nevertheless it does not still represent professional advice in any way. Please consult your professional nutritional expert about any health concerns that you have. It is therefore given for readers’ interest and entertainment only. Thank you.😑

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Hair Loss
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