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The article discusses the virality of content on YouTube, contrasting educational videos with entertainment content, and highlighting the rise of 'edutainment' as a successful middle ground.


The article delves into the dynamics of virality on YouTube, pitting educational content against entertainment. It acknowledges YouTube's vast array of content, from academic lectures to comedy sketches, and notes a trend where entertainment content often achieves greater virality due to its immediate appeal and ability to provide quick satisfaction. Educational channels, while not always viral sensations, serve a dedicated audience with evergreen content and build trust as authoritative sources. The emergence of 'edutainment' channels like Veritasium and ASAPScience demonstrates a successful blend of educational value and entertainment, catering to viewers' complex desires for both fun and knowledge. The article reflects on the paradox of choice on YouTube, suggesting that the platform's ability to satisfy diverse psychological needs contributes to its role as a mirror of human interests and moods.


  • Entertainment content tends to go more viral on YouTube due to its broad appeal and the human desire for instant gratification.
  • Educational content, while perhaps less viral, has a dedicated audience, provides evergreen material, and is valued for its reliability and depth.
  • 'Edutainment' channels have found success by marrying educational material with entertaining presentation, appealing to viewers' desire for both fun and learning.
  • The virality of content reflects the internal conflict within viewers, who may seek either a quick laugh or a thought-provoking lesson, or sometimes both.
  • YouTube's success lies in its ability to cater to the complex and varied needs of its audience, offering a space where both educational and entertainment content can thrive.

Education Vs Entertainment: Which Goes Viral On YouTube?

It’s a chilly Sunday morning, I’ve got a cup of steaming coffee in my hand, and I’m perusing YouTube. Two videos pop up on my recommendation list: one, a lecture by a renowned professor on Quantum Mechanics, and the other, a clip from a popular comedy show.

I find myself at a crossroads. Which one will grab my attention, and more importantly, which one is more likely to have millions of views? Let’s dive into this age-old conundrum: education vs. entertainment. Which really goes viral on YouTube?

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Anatomy of YouTube’s Success

YouTube’s rise as the go-to platform for diverse content is undeniable.

From academic lectures to prank videos, it has something for everyone. But as the site’s algorithms have shown, there’s a clear pattern to what goes viral, and more often than not, it leans towards entertainment.

Why is that?

The Psychology Behind Entertainment’s Allure

With busy lives and shorter attention spans, the immediate satisfaction that entertainment channels like MrBeast provide cannot be overlooked. These channels tap into the human psyche’s hunger for instant reward.

Entertainment transcends boundaries. No matter where you are, a humorous sketch or an exciting challenge grabs attention.

In a world full of chaos, who doesn’t want a break? Entertainment serves this on a silver platter.

The Unsung Heroes

If entertainment is the undisputed king, where does that leave educational channels? Think Vsauce, Khan Academy, or the endless tutorials that have saved us the night before exams.

  • Niche Audience: Educational channels may not cater to the masses but serve a highly committed and engaged audience.
  • Evergreen Content: The lifespan of an educational video is often much longer than that of an entertainment video. Remember that calculus tutorial you revisited throughout the semester?
  • Trust and Authority: Academic channels build a reputation for being reliable sources of information, and this authenticity brings in views, albeit slowly.

Hybrid Model; ‘Edutainment

‘Channels like Veritasium or ASAPScience have cracked the code by combining education with entertainment.

These channels produce content that not only informs but entertains, successfully bridging the gap between the two categories.

They tick both boxes, offering viewers a well-rounded experience.

MrBeast vs. Vsauce:

If you’re looking for a viral phenomenon, MrBeast is your go-to.

The channel hooks viewers with outrageous stunts and heartwarming philanthropy.

On the other hand, Vsauce capitalizes on human curiosity, delving into scientific queries with an entertaining twist.

Both have massive followings but serve very different human needs. MrBeast provides the thrill, Vsauce feeds the intellect, and both manage to go viral.

The Paradox of Choice: What Are We Really After?

The variance in virality reflects our own internal battles. Are we in for a quick laugh or a ponderous lesson?

Often, it’s both, and perhaps that’s why both types of content have found their unique spaces on the platform.

A Reflection of Our Complex Needs

Scrolling through YouTube, I realize the platform serves as a mirror to our complex psychological needs — sometimes we seek depth, sometimes surface-level fun.

What goes viral is often a blend of both, striking a chord with our ever-changing moods and interests.

So, which will it be for you today: education, entertainment, or a bit of both? With YouTube, you don’t really have to choose.

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