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New Beginnings Easter Gratitude: Joy, Re-birth, & Hope

Appreciate the gift of new beginnings and the hope Easter brings. May Easter sprinkle a touch of magic into our lives.

Sunday meditation episode #4. Click here for #3

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I understand that to enter new beginnings I must release the past:

Forgiveness gives me joy and new beginnings

I have the power within me to let go of what’s been holding me back

With compassion, I release those who have hurt me

I release the self-imposed negativity I never deserved

My past mistakes don’t define me

I have the power within me to let go

I am now free of the past energy and receptive to my future energy

“Look Back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up in gratitude.” — Zig Ziglar

I have the compassion that brings people together

I feel warmth and joy for the world

I am grateful for the love I can share with everyone in this special time

I love to encourage people to appreciate what we have together

I cherish the people around me who make life meaningful and worthwhile

“Whether it’s lending a listening ear, offering a helping hand, or simply being there for someone, acts of empathy can make a world of difference. They remind us that we are not alone and that together, we can overcome any challenge.” — Adeola Odubajo

I welcome the gift of life, opportunities, and love

I accept new beginnings in every part of my life

I’m grateful for the second chance I’ve been given

Joy and creativity bless my life

I feel grateful for the clarity and resolution coming my way

I feel positivity towards what I cannot control and the unknown

I know that everything will be alright, no matter what

“At Easter, gratitude is an essential theme as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the gift of salvation. It is a time to give thanks for our blessings and appreciate the people who make our lives better.” — David Onu

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Resource: https://davidonu.com/reasons-for-easter/#:~:text=Gratitude%20is%20being%20thankful%20and,and%20the%20gift%20of%20salvation.

New Beginnings
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