

The web content presents a reflective poem titled "Dreams," which explores the nature of dreams, aspirations, and the human condition, accompanied by evocative imagery and a YouTube video.


The poem "Dreams" delves into the ephemeral and often paradoxical nature of human aspirations, comparing them to memories yet to be formed. It speaks to the grandeur of hopes against the backdrop of life's challenges, emphasizing the importance of embracing the unexpected and the beauty of new beginnings. The text suggests that true wonder is found when we let go of preconceived notions and stop trying to predict or control the future. It touches on the theme of desire as a driving force, even in the face of insatiable wants and the struggles they bring. The poem also reflects on the concept of dignity in the midst of hardship, urging the reader to grow beyond trivial concerns and to live boldly, armed with sharp wit and a narrowed focus on what truly matters.


  • Dreams are likened to unformed memories, suggesting they are both elusive and formative.
  • The poem conveys that grand hopes are often pitted against harsh realities, yet this contrast is what makes life's journey meaningful.
  • It posits that true wonder and sentiment arise from letting go of expectations and embracing the unpredictable nature of life.
  • The text expresses that desire and want are inherently insatiable, leading to a cycle of torment and unfulfilled longing.
  • Dignity is presented as a virtue that emerges from facing tragedy and hardship, guiding one's conduct during times of awakening and reflection.
  • The author resolves to transcend the trivialities of life and to live fearlessly, with a keen mind and a clear sense of purpose.


a poem

img via Tenor

Dreams are foregone by memories unformed In a breath, in a heartbeat, in elliptical storm Grand hopes will brandish against merciless skies Heed the day born anew on a night made to fly

Wonder is rought when expectation’s not seized In moments of flourish, in moments of ease Sentiment resists not portent cast spells So know not the hour nor shoot not the breeze

Shameless is torment when want can’t be ceased Thus formed in bon mot it shan’t be appeased To the ramparts siege to a field full of dreams Our finest hour’s our potion and desire’s its theme

Dignity conceives where tragedy strikes Fall by the wayside, go into the night Manner we cast by the shield in foreboding Laid only to foot when awakened in mourning

I will grow and deflect such trivial offerings And reject this dream and its pitiful hypothesis So as to live by the sword fearless and fast of wit To narrow its charge from this day forthwith

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