avatarMatthew Bamberg


Gigi Nagorsky defends drag as a legitimate form of performance art, refuting negative perceptions and highlighting its historical and cultural significance.


Gigi Nagorsky, a political satirist and drag performer, speaks out against the stigmatization of drag, emphasizing that it is neither evil nor bad. Nagorsky, whose drag name is derived from personal family history, argues that drag has always been a part of human expression, referencing its presence in historical and contemporary culture. The article points out that drag is an art form that challenges traditional gender roles, as seen in various media, including film, literature, and live performances like Drag Queen Story Hour. Despite facing opposition, such as book bans and protests against story hours, the drag community persists, advocating for freedom of expression and inclusivity. Nagorsky concludes by inviting readers to embrace the playful nature of drag names and the creativity they represent, while also recommending an AI service for those interested in exploring further.


  • Drag is presented as a valuable and historic form of performance art that transcends gender norms.
  • The article challenges the notion that gender roles are fixed and argues for the freedom to engage in gender-bending performances.
  • It criticizes those who oppose drag, suggesting that their actions, such as book bans and protests, are at odds with the principles of freedom and creativity.
  • The text highlights the importance of Drag Queen Story Hours and the positive impact they can have on children by promoting diversity and acceptance.
  • The author points out the hypocrisy in society's acceptance of historical cross-dressing in entertainment while contemporary drag faces backlash.
  • Nagorsky encourages a light-hearted approach to drag, suggesting that the creation of drag names can be a fun and inclusive activity.
  • The article takes a stance against censorship and in favor of artistic expression, positioning drag as a force for good in the fight for equality and against discrimination.


Drag is Not Evil; Drag is Not Bad

Graphic by Matthew Bamberg

Gigi Nagorsky here.

My drag name is:

My first dog’s name

Along with my mother’s maiden name.

What’s yours?

I’m sure you have heard the drill. Men should be men and women, women. The genders have been set in stone by some for centuries.

But have they?

Why would anyone want to take away the freedom to engage in performance art woman to man, man to woman?

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Vacuuming is a drag. Photo by Matthew Bamberg

Art that real.

A really, really big deal

Performance is Drag

Drag is Performance

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Drag Queen Story Hour. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Ricard, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Auntie — Uncle

And Heather Has Two Mommies

Drag Queens Reading

Girls and Boys play with their Dollies

Drag Story Hour is worth keeping

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Constituents seething

Book bans

Story hours run a mock

The freedom defenders

Come marching in

Then, The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish

They turn away

Drag is here to stay

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Some Like It Hot poster English: Designed by Macario Gómez Quibus. “Copyright 1959 — United Artists Corp.”., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Edna Turnblad

She was no crab

Lemmon as Daphne

Arm in arm with Sugar Kane

Oh! they’re so vain

Some Love Some Like it Hot

And some do not

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Graphic by Author

Films that were

In essence as warm

As the inside of a kiln

Churned the mid-century screen

No one bothers

With drag of those times

Yet today they

Turn on a dime

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Always friendly (…well most of the time). Photo by Matthew Bamberg

Many transvestites

Gracious and flirtatious

Blew out their charm

Never meant to harm

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

After all

At one time

Many have seen

A Rocky Horror

Spurned in the Bible

And likely the Torah

Transvestites and friends

In their surreal garb

All hilarious with their barbs

Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

“RuPaul” is more than fine! David Shankbone, PDM-owner, via Wikimedia Commons

Drag names

Can be fun games.


What’s yours?

First dog comes in front

Followed by mum’s maiden

Oh…yes, single names shine

RuPaul more than fine

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

With a name

Might come fame

Only if it’s one

Oh what fun!

It’s Divine

In her prime!

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Throughout time


Has been with us

From Caligula to Elagabalus


Have become ambiguous

Really now

Can the law be

Banning them?

That’s discontinuous

So what’s all this fuss, Rhonda Santas?

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Drag queens fight for equality

These gender benders will

Send the defenders

To fight the fight

Against the right

Here they’ll go

Yet, then they’ll come

Smacking the right wing’s buns

What’s wrong with that, huns?

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad

Don’t fool around

With the drag queens

As you’re bound to be a clown

Without any kind of rebound

And from the name of your dog

And you mum’s

Maiden name

To Meatball of George Santos fame

You too can do it

Anyone can

Drag is not evil

Drag is not bad!

Photo by Matthew Bamberg

Gigi Nagorsky is an alter-ego first name first dog; last name mum’s maiden name political satirist.

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