avatarKathy J Anderson


Don’t You Know

You know I know

Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

Defender of the Milky ways and Mars Mars makes the stars seem smaller Smaller than a dew drop on a blade of grass Grass guardians, we’re not much, Much ado about the planet’s paragons Paragons that the idols idolize, Idolized are those special demigods Demigods embodied by my darling cavalier.

Don’t you know I love you, Don’t you know I care, Don’t you know you’re my zep?!

Cavalier my dear Dear champion freer Freer of Freedoms voice Voices say your name, Names of the stars Stars you know so well, Well and fine friend Friend of hopeless humans.

Don’t you know they love you? Don’t you know they care? Don’t you know you’re their salute?!

Loop refrain poem Kathy J Anderson All Rights Reserved 2024.1.30

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