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The author advocates for actively creating one's own processes rather than passively trusting in pre-existing, unknown ones to foster a sense of ownership and accountability.


The article titled "Don’t Trust The Process" encourages readers to move beyond blind faith in processes they do not understand, likening such trust to being a tenant without control or knowledge of the details. The author emphasizes that true ownership comes from creating the process oneself, which leads to a deeper understanding and commitment. This mindset shift promotes accountability and decision-making, turning individuals from mere participants into owners of their endeavors. The piece concludes by inviting readers to subscribe to a newsletter that delves into the concept of Extreme Value Creation.


  • Trusting an unknown process is akin to being a tenant, disconnected from the intricacies and details.
  • Creating a process instills a sense of ownership, which in turn encourages one to seek out details and feedback.
  • Ownership and accountability are key to being a decision-maker rather than a passive subject in one's own journey.
  • The article suggests that readers should strive to be owners rather than tenants in the processes they engage with.
  • The author believes that the act of creation in the context of processes is more valuable than trust in established but opaque systems.

Don’t Trust The Process

Create it

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

I don’t trust this phrase.

Trust a process I don’t even know? How?

It’s not Tom Cruise or Ironman for me to trust it.

But you know what trusting the process makes you? A tenant.

You don’t know the details.

You willingly subject yourself to a process that you neither know nor understand.

You don’t prime your senses to feedback by trusting the process.

But when you create it, there’s a mindshift difference.

What you create, you own. Ownership makes you dig for the details.

Owning the process makes you accountable. To yourself and those you take along with you.

Accountability and ownership make you a decision-maker rather than a subject. It makes you an owner rather than a tenant.

Which one would you rather be?

Don’t trust the process.

Create it.

Experience the lightest newsletter on the Internet exploring Extreme Value Creation, because all you need is one alternative view, only one, to edge you closer to extreme value creation, but I give you four.

Ownership Thinking
The Process
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