avatarValerie Minor (Valerie the Wallflower)


The article discusses overcoming self-doubt and focusing on personal growth to achieve one's goals, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the journey and the support of one's network.


The author of the blog post shares a personal journey from a cycle of self-doubt to a place of self-belief and confidence. The narrative emphasizes that one is often closer to success than perceived and encourages embracing both the

Don’t lose sight of your WIN by focusing on the WHEN

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself trapped in that relentless cycle of self-doubt, wondering if your goals are nothing more than distant fantasies? If you’re nodding along, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I’ve been exactly where you are, and in this personal blog post, I’m going to take you through my own adventure from insecurity to self-belief.

Grab a cup of your favorite brew, settle in, and let’s chat.

Life’s twists and turns can throw us off balance. When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to fall into the pit of self-doubt. I’ve been in that gloomy place where I questioned my abilities and the feasibility of my dreams. But here’s the first nugget of wisdom I’d like to share:

You’re closer to your win than you realize

If you’re reading this, you’re already on the right path. Your curiosity and the fact that you’re seeking answers means you’re in the right mindset. You might not have reached your destination just yet, but remember, the journey itself is part of the win.

Every experience, the good, the bad, and the messy, is an opportunity for growth. Embrace these experiences because they are the stepping stones on your path to victory. The more you learn and evolve, the nearer you get to your win.

Sometimes, we underestimate the support that surrounds us. Your family, friends, mentors, and even those kind-hearted strangers on the internet want nothing more than to see you succeed. Don’t hesitate to lean on this network; you don’t have to go it alone.

Why worry about the WHEN?

Let’s talk about timing. Why obsess over when you’ll achieve your win? Whether it takes a day, a week, a month, or even a year, what truly counts is that you’re moving forward, refusing to surrender your dreams.

Here are some down-to-earth tips to keep your spirits high and your focus locked onto your win:

  1. Celebrate the Small Wins: No need to save celebrations for the grand finale. Revel in those small victories along the way to keep your motivation fires burning.
  2. Visualize Success: Take a few moments each day to picture yourself standing at the finish line. This practice will keep your eye on the prize and your motivation soaring.
  3. Positive Vibes Only: Surround yourself with folks who radiate positivity. The people you spend time with can shape your mindset, so make sure it’s a positive one.

I used to be a champion at self-doubt. My confidence was buried under layers of uncertainty, and I often felt like I wasn’t good enough. But eventually, I decided it was time for a change. I started believing in myself, visualizing my dreams, and surrounding myself with uplifting influences.

I began applying for jobs that I’d previously dismissed as beyond my reach due to self-doubt. I even ventured into volunteering for causes I deeply cared about, despite my naturally shy and introverted tendencies. With each step I took outside my comfort zone, I felt my confidence and self-esteem grow. I discovered that I was capable of far more than I’d ever imagined.

Am I completely free of insecurities now?

Not entirely, but I’ve come a long way. Today, I’m sharing my struggles through writing and engaging in meaningful conversations with others. I did it, and I wholeheartedly believe that you can too. Your win is out there, waiting for you. Don’t let the “when” weigh you down. Keep moving forward, and never, ever give up on yourself.

I’ve shared my story from self-doubt to self-belief and my hope is that it encourages you to start (or continue) your very own path to victory. Remember, you’re closer to your WIN than you think. Embrace the journey, soak up every lesson, and keep those dreams alive. Your win is waiting, and it’s worth every step of the adventure.

Thank you for reading this article.

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Self Doubt
Self Improvement
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