avatarBrian Dickens Barrabee


Don’t Feel Sorry for Aaron Rodgers

Nothing has ever come easy for him.

Will Aaron Rodgers Retire? — Photo by Author

No matter what my opinion of the 2nd greatest quarterback in history to play the game, I couldn’t help but almost feel sorry for him on Saturday night. His team, the Green Bay Packers, had lost in dramatic fashion to the team that Rodgers had always longed to play for, the San Francisco 49ers.

In point of fact, many say that his contract holdout before pre season this year was much to do with the 49ers looking his way, then turning away.

Love him or hate him, there seems to be no one in between, you have to give him credit for overcoming personal and career obstacles.

Aaron is one of the rare individuals whose life has been plagued by being almost everything.

Almost good enough to be:

1 Recruited by division 1 colleges.

2 Be picked 1st in the NFL draft

3 Be picked in the first round by his dream team, the 49er’s

4 Get an immediate starting job with the Green Bay Packers, the team that eventually picked him with the 24th pick in the 1st round.

5 Be able to find a lasting relationship with a woman

6 Be a permanent host on an iconic quiz show

7 Be an attractive spokesman for an insurance company.

8 Win some of his fans turned haters from his colossal COVID public relations mistake.

Almost but not quite— all those things.

Rodgers has overcome the first 4, don’t bet against him on the following 4!

What he lacks in personality, he makes up for in grit!

Last night, with the snow swirling, the temperature flirting with zero degrees, Rodgers, the warm weather California guy, lost to the team of which he always wanted to be a part, the warm weather California 49er’s. No Super Bowl this year for Aaron Rodgers!

After the upset, Rodgers said all the right things in the post game interview.

On field general; coached more in off the field professional responsibilies.

It was plain to see he was profoundly affected by the loss.

Yes, he seemed depressed in a nonclinical way.

He’s overcome more obstacles at the age of 38 than most have in a lifetime.

Hey, anybody know the line on Rodgers — Brady for GOAT ?

For more on Aaron Rodgers check out:

  1. Why I Currently Hate Aaron Rodgers
  2. Aaron Rodgers Changed My Mind
  3. Aaron Rodgers Saved My Toe

This post was self-published 1/22/22

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