

The article discusses the concept of "clickbait" and argues for its value as a skill for writers to capture reader attention in a competitive online environment.


The author of the article challenges the common negative perception of "clickbait" by arguing that it is a legitimate and valuable technique when used effectively. They acknowledge that while misleading clickbait can be problematic, "good" clickbait is essential for standing out among countless headlines and can significantly impact a story's success. The article emphasizes that well-crafted, attention-grabbing titles are an art form and a critical component of a writer's toolkit. Notable Medium writers like Tim Denning, Jared A. Brock, and Jessica Wildfire are highlighted as examples of authors who excel at leveraging this skill to enhance their popularity and engagement on the platform.


  • The author believes that the term "clickbait" is often misunderstood and unfairly criticized, especially when it is used to create engaging and click-worthy titles.
  • "Good" clickbait is seen as a positive and necessary element for writers, enhancing the appeal of their stories in a crowded content landscape.
  • The author is striving to improve their own use of clickbait to attract more readers, recognizing its importance in the craft of writing.
  • Popular writers on Medium, such as Tim Denning, Jared A. Brock, and Jessica Wildfire, are praised for their skillful use of clickbait to achieve success and growth on the platform.
  • The article suggests that a compelling title can determine the success of a story, underscoring the value of mastering the art of clickbait.

Don’t Click On This Story

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This is an exploitation of human curiosity.

Why am I writing this?

Too often, I feel the term “clickbait” is thrown around here on Medium to excoriate certain types of headlines.

In some cases, this might be true. If it’s misleading, for example.

In the majority of cases, however, I genuinely disagree with the notion of clickbait as a negative construct.

“Good” clickbait is click-worthiness. Getting a readers’ attention in a sea of floating headlines and subheaders ain’t easy.

A click-worthy title can very well make or break a story. Therefore, clickbait in its positive form is an art. It belongs in every writers’ repertoire, in my opinion.

This is one area, I’m trying to improve upon. Most popular writers know and value the importance of “good clickbait”. Tim Denning does, Jared A. Brock too, Jessica Wildfire is masterful.


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