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Does Telepathy Work?

You’ve all heard about telepathy, but how many of you have given any importance to the phenomenon?

Photo from pixabay.com by Tumisu

Telepathy is the ability of creatures to communicate with one another without utilizing spoken language.

What do we do when we wish to communicate with someone? We inform them! But how can we do it in ways other than the traditional ones? When it comes to telepathy, I don’t believe there is anyone who hasn’t had a connection of this type with a close individual at some point in their lives.

The word is derived from Greek, where “tele” refers to distance and “pathos” refers to emotion. If we consider telepathy to be a transmission of thoughts, we may connect it to the conscious level. Because the telepathic phenomena occur at the unconscious level, professionals appear to recognize this as a mistake. We abolish animal telepathy or human-animal telepathy if we confine it to humans exclusively. It is critical to recognize that telepathy is the earliest form of communication in existence. It does not account for the species barrier. Telepathy exists anywhere there is a living world. It is not affected by distance and is unaffected by any impediment.

Photo from pixabay.com by jambulboy

If telepathy were to become universal and its message to achieve the performance of articulate language, the whole communication system would undergo a difficult-to-imagine transformation. People would instantly understand each other, regardless of language. Telepathic links, according to one notion, might explain the homogeneity of Palaeolithic tools, sculptures, and paintings. Telepathy is widely experienced as a human talent in tribal communities, such as Australian Aboriginal tribes. But what if we all have it but never use it? From the beginning, humans have lived with their feet on the earth and their heads among the stars. However, it has lost touch with its natural nature throughout time. Several publications in the foreign news describe a successful but well-guarded American experiment. A small group of elite warriors with extraordinary abilities were purportedly trained to utilize telepathy to send secret codes to one another. And they would use it at critical junctures.

Even though this month’s bigwigs have sought to keep this fascinating process known as telepathy hidden, a little-reported 2014 study has scientifically shown that this mind-to-mind connection does occur.

Picture from pixabay.com by GDJ

Successful, scientifically confirmed experiment The University of Barcelona’s Carlos Grau and colleagues conducted a very clever experiment in which signals received by an EEG electroencephalograph from subjects in India were transmitted via the Internet as e-mail messages to other subjects in France whose scalps were fitted with Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulators (TMS). Employ high magnetic fields to electrically stimulate nerve activity in the brain via intact scalps. Using a biofeedback monitor, subjects in India were told to create an EEG signal indicating either the numeral one or zero. When individuals visualized the movement of a hand, the numeral one was formed, while the digit zero was produced when they imagined the movement of afoot. These were sent from India to France through email and were directed to one of two TMS devices installed on the individuals’ scalps. Data with the digit one was routed to a TMS electrode that produced phosphene perception, while data with the digit zero was directed to another TMS device whose activity did not cause phosphene perception. The error rate is nearly non-existent.

This is how researchers demonstrated the feasibility of simple verbal communication. The experiment was successful, according to the results. Mind-to-mind communication happened, and the mistake rate varied from 1 to 11 per cent, which was far lower than expected. This demonstration is far more significant than it looks. Essentially, Grau and his colleagues’ experiment demonstrated that a new, genuinely innovative mode of communication might be born at any moment if it was sincerely desired and that it could be made available to anybody. So, one day, instead of texting, conversing, or staring into a camera, we may end up merely ‘thinking’ our message and transmitting it to the other person, who will answer in kind. However, telepathy is currently a classified weapon that can only be used, accessed, and controlled by a select group of highly trained individuals.

Picture from pexels.com by Monstera

Exercises in Simple Telepathy Because telepathy is available to everyone, even if it is uncontrolled, I recommend you attempt these easy activities for fun:

Exercise 1: Practice telepathy. Attempt to transfer a drawing, but make it a geometric shape. Draw it yourself in one room, while acting as the person to whom you wish to convey it in the other. Then, have a buddy guess what you’ve drawn.

Exercise 2: Telepathic communication. Insist on a mental call from a friend at any time of day. He will need to have a photograph of you with him and will need to look at it closely. Then have him record the time he made the call. Make a note of the moment when you think about him that day. Then compare the outcomes.

Experiment 3: The inaudible signal When you’re on the train, bus, or sitting in a crowded environment, telepathically urge a person nearby to turn around. You may also mimic their position to make yourself more sensitive. Many persons are affected by such stimuli.

Power Of Mind
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