Do You Understand This Math Joke?
Math in Homer Simpson 🥧

Today’s math joke is written in some mathematical symbols. The four mathematical symbols represent a word in the English language. Do you know what they mean?
Keep on reading for a scrumptious math joke 😋
The Imaginary Unit: i

‘i’ is a unique number defined as the square root of -1.
2³ = Ate?

2³ is pronounced as ‘two cubed’, meaning we multiply 2 by 3 times. This results in the number 8, which sounds just like ‘ate’!
Σ = Some?

If you didn’t know, this symbol is the upper case letter S in Greek. And in mathematics, it stands for ‘sum’ as it sums up all the numbers like this!

‘sum’ sounds just like ‘some’ in English!
π = Pie!

The number π is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14.
It’s spelled ‘pi’ and it sounds just like ‘pie’!
Today’s Math Joke 🍰
I ate some pie and it was delicious!
Hopefully, this made you smile :)
How amazing 👧
What was your thought process this time? Comment down below, I am eager to know :) 💞
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Love, Bella ❤️