avatarJulie Nyhus MSN, FNP-BC


The article outlines seven signs of poor nutrition, including weight gain, weakened immune system, hair issues, oral health problems, premature skin aging, cognitive decline, and gut health issues, emphasizing the importance of a nutrient-rich diet for overall health.


Poor nutrition can have a detrimental impact on the body, manifesting in various ways over time. The article discusses seven key indicators that may signal a lack of proper nutrients in one's diet. These include the development of fat rolls due to the consumption of fast food and sugary drinks, frequent illnesses resulting from a compromised immune system, hair problems such as thinning and loss of color due to protein and vitamin deficiencies

Do You Have These 7 Signs of Poor Nutrition?

Maybe it’s not too late to ward them off

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Poor nutrition can affect every organ in your body but it’s not always obvious at first. The long-term effects of a poor diet can take months or even years to show up. The bottom line is that your body cannot function without the required building blocks found in nutrient-dense foods.

Every single metabolic function in your body needs water and the proper nutrients to be able to so what it needs to do. They won’t show up overnight, but look for these seven sign of poor nutrition.

Fat Rolls

Weight gain and obesity do not happen overnight. Regular consumption of fast foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, and refined grains are a sure fire way to slowly pack on the pounds. If you’re gaining several pounds per year, it will add up over time and poor nutrition is the most likely cause.

Consider: Whole grains and fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables to slow digestion and ward off hunger.

Coughing, Sniffing, and Sneezing . . . Oh My!

Your immune system is one of the first things to be affected by poor nutrition. When your body is deficient in certain micronutrients, it cannot fight off viruses or bacteria the way it could if it’s arsenals were fully equipped. If you find yourself always getting sick, feeling run down, or under the weather, take a closer look at your diet. The only way to energize a sluggish immune system is with optimal nutrition.

Consider: Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Also zinc and selenium, along with iron and folic acid, can boost your immune system. Grab some citrus fruits and green leafy veggies today!

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study, it’s best to get your vitamins and minerals from whole foods rather than trying to sure-up your poor food choices with vitamin or mineral supplements.

Straw-like Hair

Diets lacking sufficient protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, and iron are associated with hair thinning, hair loss, and loss of hair pigmentation. If your hair is brittle and loads of conditioner aren’t helping, then your hair follicles are starving.

Consider: Lean protein such as eggs and salmon. Seeds, nuts, and plenty of fresh fruits and veggies will help reverse the damage over time.

Horrible Oral Health

A poor diet contributes directly to cavities and constantly bleeding or inflamed gums. Excess sugar is a well-known trigger for cavities so you may want to cut back on sugary foods and drinks. Bleeding and swollen gums are associated with low vitamin C levels.

Consider: Foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Prematurely Aging Skin

Yes, your skin will age with time. But a diet full of vitamins A, C, D, and E can actually promote skin health because they are full of antioxidants and flavonoids. The benefits of consuming at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables are glowing skin and a more youthful appearance. If you have dry, peeling, and itchy skin start with a diet overhaul.

Consider: Adding iron for itchy skin, essential fatty acids for dry skin, and vitamin C for skin that bruises easily.

Brain Drain

If you’re struggling with concentration or memory issues, check your diet first. Feeling fatigued and easily frustrated? What are you eating? Brain drain is one of the first things to surface when your diet is lacking.

In order to perform optimally, your brain needs proper nutrition . . . there are no exceptions. If you’re dehydrated and low on nutrition for longer periods of time, you may be prone to depression, anxiety, and mood swings. A poor diet means your body doesn’t have the building blocks — like B vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and omega-3 fatty acids — to make vital neurotransmitters required to transmit information from one neuron to another.

Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in cognitive development during all stages of life.

Consider: Adding walnuts, flax seed, fish oil, and salmon to your diet. These are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Gut Disasters

If you struggle with frequent constipation or diarrhea, one of the first places to look is your diet. Start counting fiber grams because most Americans are not getting the recommended daily fiber intake: 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women.

Consider: Whole grains such as oats and brown rice. Add in nuts, seeds, and fresh produce to increase fiber too.

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