avatarDanijel Crncec


Have you ever heard about “default account,” Google?

Do You Have a Complex System on Your Computer or Phone to Function Correctly?

Google, I hate you sometimes

I use two mail accounts. The first is Gmail; the second is Google Workspace.

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

My problem is that I am never sure which account will web browser use (I tried almost all of them, but one with ugly icons, sorry Brave). I open Google Photos. Super simple. And there are no photos. None. Oh, yeah, wrong account. I change the account with pull-down. Super simple. But not twenty times a day as I use mail, calendar, photos, keep, etc.

Photo by Rafael Leão on Unsplash

Google has a solid browser. Can you not let users decide which account is used for what application? You’re a multi-billion company with resources to rebuild society (not with YouTube, please). But I solved it. I have two browsers. None of them is Chrome. Not elegant, but it works. Despite rock-solid service, I hate you, Google.

Did I mention I use two phones for the same reason? ;)

Google Cloud Platform
Personal Organization
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