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Do You Appreciate the Importance of Interoperability?

Do you even know what it is?

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Interoperability is something many of you will never have heard of.

But did you know that interoperability touches all of our lives?

It’s essential.

I suspect some of you reading this may not even know what the term interoperability means.

So, let's get straight to a definition.

What is interoperability

A simple explanation can be found in the Oxford Learner Dictionary

interoperability (between/with something), the ability of computer systems or programs to exchange information

Okay, that’s interesting, but how does it affect me and you?

Here’s how





smart homes


Emergency services



social media


Most of the above-mentioned systems will impact each of our lives, not every day, but they are essential parts of our society.

Do you ever wonder how the banking system, emergency services, and social media work?

It all just happens.

But it wouldn’t happen without interoperability.

Benefits of interoperability

I came across interoperability a few years ago while researching for my Open University master’s degree in systems thinking in practice.

I was fascinated but

This isn’t a technical explanation of interoperability (I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to); it is just an awareness of what it is and how it affects us.

Let's start with a simple statement about interoperability on the NHS England website.

The sharing of medical records and information by doctors and hospitals is essential for better care and patient safety. It can also reduce medical errors and unnecessary tests.

Now for some of the benefits.

  1. Improved healthcare: Interoperability in healthcare means that doctors and hospitals can easily share medical records and information, resulting in better care for patients. This can reduce medical errors, unnecessary tests, and procedures, and increase patient safety.
  2. Better communication: Interoperability between different communication systems and platforms means that people can communicate with each other more easily, regardless of the device or app they are using. This can improve collaboration, productivity, and efficiency.
  3. More convenience: Interoperability allows different devices and systems to work together seamlessly, making life more convenient for ordinary people. For example, a smart home system that integrates with different devices, such as lights, thermostats, and home security systems, can be controlled from a single interface.
  4. Increased innovation: Interoperability encourages innovation by allowing developers to create new products and services that work with existing systems and devices. This can lead to a wider range of consumer options and more competition, ultimately benefiting the ordinary person.
  5. Improved safety: Interoperability can also improve safety in areas such as transportation and emergency services. For example, interoperable systems can allow emergency responders to communicate with each other more easily, resulting in faster response times and better outcomes for people in need.

As you see from the above benefits, interoperability touches all of our lives.

Final thought

In today’s interconnected world, the things that often go unnoticed can actually play the most critical role in connecting us all together.

Don't take interoperability for granted.

Critical Infrastructure
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