avatarSneha Nagre


Do You Also Feel Sleeplessness?

Let’s find out how Ayurveda conquered it

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Sleep is food to your brain as food is to your body!

Sleep is regulated by the biological clock inside your body called circadian rhythm. This is similar to your alarm which instructs your body to wake up and sleep. Lack of sleep can mess up the normal rhythm.

“People who say sleep like a baby don’t have one.” Leo Burke.

Sleeplessness is not a disorder but is a symptom. But if this continues for a long period- you may be suffering from insomnia.

Quality sleep plays an important role in overall well-being. Not getting the sleep that you need regularly can have a pretty bad impact on your mental and physical health.

About a third of all adults report some insomnia symptoms.

It affects people mainly aged 21–60.

6 to 10 % of adults have symptoms severe enough to meet the diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder.

Every person who has sleeplessness does not have insomnia disorder. It may also be due to some stress, tension, or some other physical reason. So it is necessary to know why you should look after your sleeping habits.

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Let’s see why we need sleep

  • According to Acharya Charak, the perception by the sense organ gradually decreases as the mind gets fatigued and reaches a point where there remains nothing to feed the mind, in this state the individual gets to sleep.
  • According to Acharya Sushrut when the tama gun( darkness) covers the chetna ( heart ), the individual enters the phase of sleep.

Benefits of good sleep

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  • Wellness
  • Excitement
  • Healthy body
  • Healthy mind
  • Glowing face
  • Energetic body
  • Peacefulness

We all are aware of these benefits, but our lifestyle causes many obstructions that we are unable to sleep and get surrounded by a lot of diseases.

Sleeplessness affects us in the following way.

  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • Poor memory
  • Confusion
  • Feeling of sickness
  • Low sex drive
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Low productivity
  • Decreased immune system
  • Headache
  • Psychological problem

These problems get worse day by day if we don’t maintain our sleep cycle.

Ayurveda approach to Nidra (sleep)-

  • Acharya Sushrut says that sleep is induced when tamas covers the seat of Chetna(activity) that is, the heart
  • Acharya Charak says that perception by sense organs gradually decreases as the mind gets fatigued or becomes lethargic and reaches a point where there remains nothing to feed the mind, in this state, individuals get sleep.

Types of Nidra ( sleep)

  1. Tamobhava-due to tamas guna.
  2. Shlehma samudhbhava-due to increase Kapha dosha.
  3. Mana sharira shrama bhava-due to mental and physical exertion.
  4. Agantuki- that is an indication of a bad prognosis or even can progress to immediate death.
  5. Vyadhianuvastini-caused is a complication of the disease.
  6. Ratri swabhava prabhava- natural phenomenon occurring during night.

Anidra(Insomnia) cause -

  1. Insomnia is due to increased raja guna and a decrease in tama guna.
  2. Insomnia is also caused by to increase in vata and kapha dosha and a reduction of kapha dosha.

These are the two main causes of insomnia which are caused by many reasons like stress, disease, depression, excess work, night out, parties, alcohol, stimulators, etc.

How to treat Insomnia?

Ayurveda has given many holistic methods to conquer it.

  1. Herbal teas- Having tea made from lavender, chamomile, and passion flowers just before going to bed helps calm down nerves and lets one sleep.
  2. Aromatherapy-Adding calming essential oils like lavender, chamomile, rose to a warm bath can help one good sleep.
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  1. Vasti(enema)- mostly sleep problems are related to gut health. The colon is the place for Vata dosha, as their disturbance in Vata dosha affects your sleep. Enema helps to make it stable. Ask an Ayurvedic specialist who will plan you a therapeutic enema.
  2. Padabhyanga( foot massage)- It is a soothing, calming, and revitalizing method. The vital marma points on the feet are pressed which stimulates the ANS which induces sleep. Medicated oils are used for better effects.
  3. Shirodhara-It is an excellent treatment for insomnia and stress which relaxes the nervous system. A stream of warm medicated oil is slowly poured into the middle of your forehead for 30–40 min followed by a gentle massage. The effect is amazing! Take this treatment for alternate days from a week to a month.
  4. Shiro abhyanga ( massage of the head)-Therapeutic oils are used to massage the head. The oil gets absorbed by the head, scalp, and hair roots.
  5. Abhyanga(Full body massage)-Therapeutic massage of the whole body improves blood and lymphatic circulation. It balances body chakra,nadis( energy channel),marma(energy centre).
  6. Akshitarpan- medication oil or decoction is used on the eyes. So eyes get calm and induce sleep.
  7. Medhya Rasayana-This therapy includes the administration of brain tonic such as Bramhi and Jatamansi used as antidepressants and treat insomnia.
  8. Nutmeg Powder with milk- Consume this for 15 days before going to bed. It reduce anxiety and has sedative property. Ask your physician for the correct dose.
  9. Yoga and Pranayama -Perform certain yoga that will help your body to be stable. Pranayam will keep your breathing rate stable which will reduce depression.
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  1. Drink buffalo milk before going to bed. It gives you good sleep.
  2. Do some prayer that will make your mind relax.
  3. Pleasant music is also helpful. It will calm down your mind.
  4. Proper bed- Have a soft bed that makes your body relax.

Avoid the following things for good sleep.

  1. Don’t have an alcohol cigarette at night.
  2. Avoid sleeping in the daytime.
  3. Don’t have coffee and tea at night.
  4. Don’t use more mobile or laptop 1 hour before sleep.
  5. It should be devoid of thought and tension before sleep.
  6. Don’t indulge in any type of work or reading till late at night.
  7. Having food just before sleep.

Sleep is among the three pillars of life. So always have a good sleep, and the next day, you will see yourself so energetic.

All the above treatments are well-researched and practiced by medical students. So, if you are facing insomnia-related issues, then consult any Ayurved specialist. They will give you proper medication and dose according to your body and symptoms.

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