avatarIlakkuvaselvi (Ilak) Manoharan


96. Do we have free will? Here is my answer no:3 (the best)

What is a free will?

Free will is nothing but a decision or a series of decisions taken by a person at a particular moment, that is not affected by the wiring of the brain.

Every decision is affected by the HL(Human Learning) model and the environment variables.

What is the HL(Human Learning) model of our brain?

Just like Machine Learning, our brain is learning from every tiny inputs from the environment, and how it intercepts the current state of mind (HL model of the brain) and environment variables could depend on many factors and could be unpredictable (maybe!)

Here are some examples of environment variables at any moment:

  1. Emotions
  2. Current physical and emotional health. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  3. Financial situation. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  4. Current location, the level of noise and serenity in the location. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  5. Interactions with people in the frame of the space time slice, their behavior towards us, how they treat us and their attitude towards us. It is very unpredictable depending on our current state of mind. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  6. Status (physical, emotional, financial health and state) of loved ones. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  7. What’s happening in the area. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  8. The significance of the day and the immediate days. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  9. Interaction with family, relatives, friends, peers, people. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  10. Weather, Food, Clothes experienced on the day and the immediate days. This contributes to emotions and it is unpredictable.
  11. And many many other….

I couldn’t think about any decision that may not be affected by the HL(Human Learning) model and the environment variables.

How about examples like overcoming addiction with effective training of reasoning and discipline?

Well, I think this is different kind of free will, called the second degree free will, where we are training ourselves for a particular goal.

What is a first degree of free will?

It is a spontaneous or unexpected situation where we did not specifically train ourselves for a premeditated decision.

The probability of achieving first or second degree of free will increases with training in reasoning, logical thinking, developing emotional intelligence by reading books, watching TV and engaging in conversations, cultivating discipline, self control and coping strategies day after day, intentionally or unintentionally, with or without premeditated goal.

Free Will
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