Do Visualization Exercises Really Work?
Does targeted thinking work like they say? Will you manifest money?
Can you make your goals happen just by imagining them happening? Can you imagine a pile of money and then get it, seemingly from out of nowhere? It seems to me, if it was that easily done, a lot more people would’ve discovered this trick by now.
I am aware that the brain is a lot more powerful than the average person realizes. I think, as a society, we grossly undervalue and under use our natural instincts. If we paid more attention to our instincts, I feel like we would all be better in every facet of our lives.
Regardless, I got curious once I started noticing the words mind mapping and manifesting being thrown around. When I’m curious, I become obsessed instantly and stop just as quickly once my curiosity has been fulfilled. So, I immersed myself in the research of manifestation. There are manifestation apps and exercises.
The Vision Board
A vision board as a board such as a bulletin board that you pin up images of things that you would like to acquire within a certain time frame. For instance, if I wanted kids in a car in the next five years, I would post a picture of my family and the car I want. Then, I could look at it every day. Somehow this would manifest the items to occur or be ascertained.
I have an app on my phone that I use as a vision board. I don’t know how it works, but I did put a new car on there and I do have one now. Maybe subconsciously makes you have something to work for? Or maybe it’s magic and we need to stop trying to understand everything. either way, now my board is just a bunch of pictures of money.
Visualization Exercises
This is much like meditation but instead of thinking good and peaceful thoughts, you think only about what you deserve to have fall in your lap.
Sit in a weird position and close your eyes and relax. Think about all the money falling into your lap or whatever it is you’re wishing for. Do this every day and, eventually supposedly, something will happen.
The idea behind these exercises is that by focusing your brain and your energy onto these goals you somehow bring them into your life. I think it might be as simple as the more you think about something the more you will work towards it.
Regardless, I had some kind of success with a vision board. I didn’t have as much success with the visualization exercises but, then again, I have the attention span of a gnat.
I can assure you that I am one of the unluckiest people on the planet so, if I saw any results, you’re most likely to see a lot more.
And, hey, if you’re feeling altruistic, and you want to manifest me some money, feel free to do that as well.