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Do This the Next Time You Feel Like a Failure

3 simple mind tricks that will turn the story around

Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash

Feeling like a failure sucks.

No other way to say it.

Who likes feeling like a loser, looking in yet alienated from the world.

No matter how many positive affirmations I utter, there are days when the story unfolding looks more hopeless than hope.

During those times, I often step back and remember why I started the journey in the first place.

It is easy to go through the daily motions following a set template. However, being stuck in automation sucks the joy out of the process. Feelings of failure mushrooms like an ominous entity threatening what’s left of your hopes.

Your tenacity for the hustle starts to feel unproductive, bland. A relic that taunts with a promise that will never be reached.

  • Why should you go on?
  • Is the reward really worth the effort?
  • Is the future worth this much stress?

Here’s the thing.

Dream building takes work.

Shocker, I know.

What no guru can tell you, is what that work will look like for you.

You may have access to the blueprint, but the results will still vary.

Before you throw in the towel and the rest of the bathroom fixtures, here a few points to consider.

1. Is it just a bad day?

How you manage your energy dictates how you cope with challenges.

Add a couple extra stresses dumped on your plate or nurse a throbbing migraine and you can easily feel the crushing despair of your responsibilities.

Sometimes, just maybe, it’s only a bad day.

Those are the days you need to be kind to yourself.

  • Take a break and do something you enjoy or will distract you for a moment.

Bad days don’t last but tough people do.

You are not a failure.

You are just human with juggling emotions. Enjoy the ride.

2. Separate feelings from the issue.

As a people pleaser, I can take setbacks very personally. Convinced failure is somehow out to get me.

If you are already hard on yourself, these little digs can come across as exclusive to you. Proof that validates your negative beliefs.

  • Life is objective.
  • It does not play favourites.

It may not look like that when you compare yourself to those who have what you are going after.

However, shop that sh*t right now.

You are not them.

They have found what is working for them.

You have to put in the work and it’s a waste of time to expect the same results.

There are a host of compounding variables to get the results you want.

Focus on what you are doing and not sweat what they have done. Take “personal” out of the equation. Eyes only on the objective issue at hand.

3. Go back to the beginning.

Why you started is the foundation that keeps you going.

Without a grounding with purpose, you can easily loose interest and run down the next rabbit hole that captures your interest.

You will always be tweaking and growing.

The tip that worked wonders in the beginning may evolve down a different path from your goals.

  • There is no one-answer solution.
  • Only good ole trial and error.

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel but you can style it in a way that suits your tastes.

The ugly truth is that the path to success is a bloody hard one. The rewards you ultimately want come at a high price of compromise.

If you are not committed to why you want your dreams, you will not have a key component to keep you forging forward on the hard days.

Bad days and failure happen but they are just a small sum of the price you pay to live your life by design.

I have a dream that I want to breathe life into. As long as I keep my reasons close to my heart, I am able to pick myself back up on the days failure threatens to knock me down.

List your reasons for your dreams. Keep them front and centre.

They wield a lot of power to steer you through questionable days.

Get my FREE Word Empowering Mini Workbook. A simple tool that will help you find directions to your dreams.

Failures In Life
Life Strategy
Mental Toughness
Mindset Shift
Inner Critic
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