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Do People Think Writers Are Odd?

What do you think?

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Yes, this is a photo of my high school English classroom where my teachers thought I would never amount to much. I showed them I could be odd AND be a writer, too. FURTHER INFO HERE.

Perceptions of writers can vary all over the map, and whether they consider writers to be “odd” or not often depends on an individual’s perspectives and stereotypes. Here are some common perceptions and factors that can influence how writers are perceived by normal people. If you are not normal, please don’t read this.

Items Easily Confused with Being “Odd.”

  1. Being Introverted- Many writers tend to be introverted or have introverted tendencies, as writing often requires solitary, introspective work. Some people may perceive introverted behavior as “odd” if they are more extroverted themselves or if they don’t fully understand introversion.
  2. Leading Unconventional Lifestyles- Some writers may lead unconventional lifestyles or have unique habits and routines that can be seen as eccentric. For example, famous authors like J.D. Salinger or Henry David Thoreau had unconventional lifestyles, which some might consider “odd.”
  3. Possessing Imagination and Creativity- Writers are often praised for their vivid imaginations and creative thinking. While this is generally seen as a positive trait, it can also lead to unconventional or unconventional perspectives that some people may perceive as odd.
  4. Showing Artistic Sensitivity- Writers are often tuned to the nuances of language and emotion, which can make them more sensitive to the world around them. This sensitivity can sometimes be misunderstood or seen as unusual by those who are less aware of such details.
  5. Having Passion and Obsession- Writing often requires a deep passion for the craft, which can sometimes border on an obsession. People who are highly dedicated to their work may appear “odd” to those who have different priorities or interests.
  6. Cartoon Literary Stereotypes- Popular culture and literature have perpetuated certain stereotypes about writers, portraying them as destitute artists, tortured souls, reclusive hermits, or eccentric geniuses. These trite and overworked stereotypes can influence how people perceive writers.

Items Easily Confused with Being the Last Words.

It’s important to note that not all writers fit these stereotypes, because there is a wide diversity of personalities and behaviors among writers. People who interact with writers or are part of literary communities may have a better understanding of writers’ personalities and lifestyles. Ultimately, whether anyone perceives a writer as “odd” is subjective and based on their own individual experiences and beliefs.

The Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.

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