avatarBrandon Aguilera


Do Not Be A Perfectionist

Don’t worry about everything being perfect every time.

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

In order to experience growth, you need to make mistakes.

I understand that you want to get everything right from the start. You wish that you could have all the skills and information necessary without having to struggle for it.

But the thing is that these errors that we make throughout our journey are meant to help us grow.

Keep getting practice

Perfectionism leads to doubt and dissatisfaction.

Because of this it’s important to not focus and having everything be perfect.

The name of the game is volume. But you understand that it’s also about quality over quantity?

Well here’s the thing.

It isn’t all about quality over quantity, but instead of finding a balance between both of them.

How do you find a mix between quality and quantity?

You do this by getting your reps in.

Focus on quantity first, and find your mistakes after. From these mistakes, you will learn how to increase your quality, which will then help you increase your quality while still keeping quantity.

It’s all about not stressing over perfection.

Keep your mind focused on just putting out volume. The quality will come over time.

Be patient throughout your journey. Build up patience and don’t forget that consistency is key.

No matter how many mistakes you make, or how many fails you gain, it shouldn’t be the reason why you give up.

Failure is not the end, and if you use it to your advantage, it can teach you a lesson and motivate you to towards your goal.

Keep working to be better, never stop improving, and don’t mind being perfect. Mistakes are meant to be made and learned from.

Improvement is a step-by-step process, so don’t lose your footing.

You got this.

Healthy Lifestyle
Mental Health
Self Improvement
Personal Growth
Self Development
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