avatarMikael Tashi


Do Less & Get More Done

Photo by Danny SwellChasers on Unsplash

Being busy is the new trend. The reality is that anyone can be busy but get nothing done.

Many people take pride in how busy they are. They think that showing everyone how busy they are and how many things they have to do makes them productive as well.

It’s very easy to fill your day up with pointless meetings, admin work, errands, tasks, to-dos, etc. But the real question is, does any of this bring you closer to your goal? If the answer is no — stop doing it. To be successful, we must simplify our days, ruthlessly eliminating or outsourcing anything that doesn’t generate a significant return on our time investment.

“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication”

Leonardo DaVinci

Think More

When you’re constantly busy and doing things, you don’t have time to think.

Warren Buffett, the most successful investor of all time spends several hours a day reading and thinking. He’s known for making just a few decisions a year. This is why he’s successful. Do you think that if he was running around attending meetings and doing admin all day he’d be anywhere near as successful? Fuck no.

Buffett understands that in order to make excellent decisions you need to think better. And the only way to think better is to be less busy.

Less Busy, More Productive

If you spend your time trying to do everything, running around like a headless chicken and burning yourself out — that is pretty stupid.

Conversely, if you eliminate idle time in your schedule and efficiently outsource what is irrelevant — you actually become smarter because your mind is less cluttered. You rest more, so you have more energy. You go on more vacations, so you feel more inspired. By doing less — you become a genius at what you do.

Being less busy allows you to be more effective in the time you work. You go into everything with a sense of vigor and intensity. You think with more clarity. You act more boldly.

Doing less is very smart. This is why busy is the new stupid.

Until Next Time…

Time Management
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