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Photo Art by Vernalisa J.

Do Dreams Give Us Permission?

Fear, Faith, and Flow

I was talking with a former co-worker the other day, and somehow, we got on the topic of dreams. She had an interesting dream in which she witnessed a colleague jump from a second-floor balcony. In “the dream state” she knew there was a small pool below but was afraid to look over the railing for fear that her friend would be laying splat on the ground having missed the mark.

Courageously she peeked over and to her surprise (as small as the space was) her friend was wading in the water below. The water was a dull pinkish-red, reminiscent of muddy blood, but she was safe and sound. “Come on in” she shouted. Our dreamer thought “yuck, not me” and smiled. She did not jump, but ran down the stairs, chastising her friend for almost giving her a heart attack. By the time our dreamer arrived at the pool’s edge; the pool was even bigger, longer, and bluer than the four-by-four she saw from the balcony. Her friend was splashing and making ripples. Then she floated away. This was the happiest she had ever seen her friend. She had faith.

Welcome to 2023, and the lunar new year! We are in a new year (twice), and it is a time when we all have a chance for a do-over, a fresh start to accomplish something on the list of to-dos that did not get done last year. I never make resolutions; I will not keep them. I have in the past but at this stage in my life, I really do not care to put that kind of pressure on myself. Life happens and I do not believe anyone should walk around feeling guilty. But what our dreamer said stuck with me all day. For me it meant, her friend took a leap of faith, and the universe caught her. She dove into her passions, which grew from the murky depths like an unfolding lotus flower and rewarded her with clarity and room to grow in her happiness.

American author, Seth Godin says “quitting is for winners!” I must agree with him. What really prevents anyone from doing what they really want?

Fear of Failure?

Fear of Judgment?

Fear of being successful and not having the skills to recreate that success?

Fear of being wrong?

Fear of fame?

To me, that dream screamed, “quit fear like the bad friend that they are”—always lurking in the shadows waiting to remind you of your failures instead of your victories. Take a leap of faith into the unknown, the universe is waiting to catch you and acknowledge your infinite possibilities. Sure, they will be ups and downs as with anything we want to accomplish, but it is how we behave when faced with those challenges, that makes all the difference.

“Trust allows flow, and flow opens you to possibility.” — Panache Desai

Of course, I am interpreting this dream from my perspective, not hers. Only the dreamer knows what their dream means, but I saw it as a cledon for anyone who could hear our conversation. Cledons (from the Greeks) are chance encounters or overheard utterances. I took her message as “universal speak” for me. I mean why else would she share that story with me of all people; she has no idea that I have a fascination with dreams and synchronicities. I am interpreting that dream to mean stop hesitating and start sharing; doing; living. I hope this article opens your “eyes to hear” what the universe is constantly screaming at you, even in the subtlest of hints. You are here reading this, so this is your message for today. How you utilize this muse’s inspiration, only you will know.

Feel free to share any fun universal speaks, as you never know when it will help someone else. Also, jumping from balconies is not recommended unless you are a professional stuntman. Just saying!

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