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The article advocates for diversifying sources of happiness to build resilience and maintain a consistent state of contentment, much like diversifying investments.


The concept of not putting all one's eggs in one basket is applied to happiness in this article, suggesting that relying on a single source of joy can be risky. The author shares a personal story of discovering deep unhappiness after focusing exclusively on career, which led to neglecting other life aspects. The article emphasizes the importance of cultivating multiple areas of life, such as personal passions, relationships, and continuous learning, to create a diversified "happiness portfolio." This approach is likened to a financial portfolio that can withstand fluctuations, providing stability and joy even when some areas face challenges.


  • The author believes that investing time and energy in a variety of interests and relationships is crucial for a well-rounded sense of happiness.
  • It is expressed that personal growth and joy can be found in small, everyday moments and not just in major life events.
  • The article suggests that setting personal goals unrelated to work or family can be highly fulfilling and contribute to overall happiness.
  • The author holds that giving back to others through volunteering or acts of kindness can bring a unique and profound sense of joy.
  • A strong opinion is conveyed about the importance of continuous learning and skill development as a source of happiness and a way to gain new perspectives on life.

Diversify Your Happiness

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” doesn’t just apply to your finances.

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

We’ve often heard the advice to “not put all our eggs in one basket” when it comes to investments. But what if I told you this principle extends far beyond the world of finance? It’s time we applied this wisdom to our happiness.

Let me tell you a story.

About 10 years ago, I woke up to discover that I was deeply unhappy. I had spent most of my adult life until then investing my time and energy on one single pursuit: building my career.

It had become such a part of my identity that I had forgotten to cultivate other areas of my life that could bring me joy. I stopped writing. I put family planning on hold. I didn’t make time for dance (that’s a whole other story, but I love to dance!). I didn’t see my friends as often as I wanted.

I had put all of my happiness eggs in one basket. But the handles broke and the eggs crashed on the ground. My life was a mess.

In the middle of that mess, I started writing again. I quit my job and found a new one. I prioritized my mental and physical health. I started a family. I started weaving more and more baskets to put new happiness eggs inside.

I diversified my happiness.

There are still baskets I’m working on, but this mindset has already paid off and helps me put things into perspective when life gets rough.

The Power of Diversifying Joy

Much like a diversified financial portfolio can weather market fluctuations, a diversified “happiness portfolio” can help you navigate the ups and downs of life. When one source of joy faces challenges, others can step in, ensuring a more consistent state of contentment.

Here are six ways to create your happiness portfolio:

1. Cultivate Personal Passions

While it’s great to share interests with friends or loved ones, having something that’s entirely yours can be invigorating. Whether it’s painting, reading, gardening, or even just walking — find something that you do solely for yourself.

2. Invest in Relationships

Don’t just focus on romantic relationships. Nurture friendships, reconnect with family, or even build bonds with colleagues. Each relationship can offer a unique flavor of happiness.

3. Seek Joy in Small Moments

Happiness doesn’t always come from grand events. Sometimes, it’s the aroma of your morning coffee, a child’s laughter, or a surprise call from an old friend. Learn to recognize and cherish these fleeting moments.

4. Set Personal Goals

Having objectives that are separate from work or family can be immensely fulfilling. It might be a fitness goal, a reading challenge, or a travel dream. The journey towards these aims can be as rewarding as the achievement itself.

5. Give Back

The joy derived from helping others is unparalleled. Volunteer, donate, or just lend a listening ear to someone in need. The happiness from giving is two-fold: for the receiver and for you.

6. Continuous Learning

Dive into new subjects, pick up new skills, or revisit old ones. The process of learning can be a source of joy and can provide a fresh perspective on life.

While it’s natural to have dominant sources of happiness, ensure they aren’t your only ones. By diversifying the avenues from which you derive joy, you not only enhance the quality of your daily life but also build resilience against life’s inevitable challenges. Remember, in the vast landscape of life, there are countless spots of joy waiting to be discovered. Don’t limit yourself to just one; explore them all.

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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