avatarSerhii Kucherenko


Discovering My Identity: The Journey of Being Told I’m a Bot


Yesterday, I got an exciting email from one of the group members related to Medium on Facebook (I had never heard about this group before). He alerted me that I could be banned from Medium because guess what…. (some drams)… I clap too much.

“Whaaaat??? LOL”

I never expect to receive such a mail from a stranger, (I appreciate it, though), but why would I be banned for clapping? Let’s figure that out.

I joined their private group to check everything myself, and OMG. They seriously think I’m a BOT (AI Bot, lol).

If you are a member of this group and banned me — please stop reading!!!

Here’s this freaking post:

Interesting accusations. But I wasn’t angry till I read the comments.

Some intro — I’m from Ukraine, and our neighbor (russia), invaded my country 2 years ago. I have my reasons to hate russia and their people. And what do I see in the comments? Some russian guys, whose comments and posts I clapped just blocked. LOL. Should I be sorry? NO! I stand with my country. Ukraine🇺🇦 will be FREE, and your empire will fall.

Okay, for those who want to block me, why do you get many notifications from me?

I tried to write comments. I’m not a big fan of it, you can say. But I want to appreciate your work somehow. I clapp your comments in the articles. Sometimes, you write multiple comments per article, and you can often comment on multiple articles, and I clap all comments. Because I can and I will do it.

Since Medium’s recommendation system works with relativity and boosts one’s posts more, I often click on the same author’s posts and clap many of his/her articles. Is it bad? You tell me.

If you don’t like me clapping your articles — let me know. I’ll skip your articles.

You don’t want me to clap your comments. I’ll try, but I can’t remember everyone, and let’s be honest — I don’t need to.

About me being Bot, or using AI for my content. Again, LOL.

Here’s my AI tools:

  • I use in my work is Grammarly (as English is my second language)
  • DALLE to generate images for my articles.
  • ChatGPT — to brainstorm outlines and ideas for my posts, but I already have accumulated around +50 ideas for my following articles from books, microlearning apps, meditation sessions, conversations with friends, movies, etc. It’s not that hard.

Anyway, I wanted to share this story, and it will clarify many things for you and the appearance in your notifications previously and in the future.

Thanks for reading.

Writers Life
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