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The website content discusses the author's successful approach to social media by maintaining anonymity and building a "faceless" presence, particularly on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, which has allowed them to grow a substantial following and earn significant income without compromising privacy.


The author shares a personal account of how adopting a faceless social media strategy revolutionized their online presence and business. Initially hesitant to show their face due to privacy concerns, potential dangerous situations, and the prospect of unwanted fame, the author found freedom and success in remaining anonymous. They highlight the risks associated with revealing personal information on social media, citing examples of privacy breaches experienced by other content creators. The author's faceless TikTok and YouTube accounts have amassed hundreds of thousands of followers and generated substantial revenue, demonstrating the viability of this approach. They offer insights into the creative and monetization opportunities that faceless social media provides, including the release of an ebook detailing their methods, which is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.


  • The author values privacy and is cautious about the potential dangers of revealing too much personal information on social media.
  • They believe that it is possible to achieve success and earn a significant income on social media platforms like TikTok without showing one's face.
  • The author suggests that short-form content on TikTok is easier to produce and can lead to rapid growth in followers and income.
  • They emphasize the effectiveness of faceless social media as a business model, offering a guide to help others replicate their success.
  • The author is concerned about the risks of stalking and privacy invasions that can come with public visibility and fame on social media.
  • They are enthusiastic about the creative freedom and financial opportunities that faceless content creation provides.
  • The author encourages readers to consider using TikTok as a side hustle and to subscribe to a newsletter for more insights on side hustles.

Discovering faceless social media changed my life

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Showing my face on social media makes me weary sometimes.

I was always kind of reluctant to fully share my face on social media.

I’m ok with a profile pic on Instagram or Facebook but, when it comes to building a business on social, showing your face works but, I was always cautious about…

  • Privacy
  • Dangerous situations that might arise
  • Generating fame

That’s the beauty of going “faceless” on social media.

Here’s more on my hangups about showing my face across social and why faceless social media changed my life.

Privacy, hidden dangers, and fame

There’s the obvious, privacy.

Although I’m pretty transparent in sharing the behind-the-scenes of my business, some of my personal life, even my income, the way I do it conceals myself a bit.

I see people doing what I do showing their face and getting stopped on the street, having fans scour their videos to find their private information like their mailing address, and more.

I recently saw a Tik Tok from a lady who took a short video (seconds long) and used her investigative skills to find out who the person behind the video was.

People can get pretty clever with this stuff, using reverse image search, Google maps, social media and other means to find out what they need to.

On YouTube, I follow the songstress Queen Najia.

She revealed in a past YouTube video that she had to move because of privacy concerns. In one of her YouTube videos, there was a piece of mail in the video clip that showed her address and fans started showing up to her home!


On Tik Tok, a popular male content creator had a stalker who was showing up to his home to find him.

It’s so scary out there.

How faceless social media was life-changing for me

For me, when I discovered that I could be successful on social media without showing my face, I knew the sky was the limit.

I grew to over 300K subscribers on YouTube and had a mega-viral 68 million viewed video!

On Tik Tok, my faceless account surpassed 100K followers in the first year.

And, I was making money in a faceless business.

What I love about faceless Tik Tok

It’s short-form video.

Easier than long-form video, I think.

It doesn’t take much to crank out a 15-second video.

There are so many creative paths you can take with it and the simplest video can skyrocket your following and help you reach millions of people on the platform.

Making money with faceless Tik Tok

This is about using the social media platform Tik Tok to make money without having to show your face.

There are so many accounts doing this, it’s crazy.

My latest Tik Tok account I grew six months ago has nearly 13,000 followers and I’ve already made four figures from it!

My goal is to break $5,000 with it before the year ends.

In the book, I’ll show you my secret Tik Tok account that has hit over 100K followers fast and makes me money monthly.

You will learn how to monetize your Tik Tok account, steps to take to get there and you can do this in your free time anonymously, without showing your face.

My latest ebook about faceless Tik Tok is on sale for $9 (code BLKFRI22). It’s my Black Friday sale and it’ll be running for the month of December. In January, I’m raising the price.

Click this link (discount code BLKFRI22) to get it.

What’s your honest opinion about Tik Tok?

Would you use it to earn a side hustle?

BLACK FRIDAY discount: Use code BLKFRI22 to get around half off. If you want to learn how I created a full-time income from a faceless Tik Tok channel, learn how you can build a profitable faceless Tik Tok channel of your own in my ebook.

Social Media
Tik Tok
Side Hustle
Make Money Online
Make Money From Home
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