Discord & Wazuh Integration

Discord is a popular communication platform where people chat, share info, and connect. Integrating Wazuh alerts into Discord is key for quick and effective security updates. It can be deemed as a security guard in your digital hangout, making sure everyone stays informed and acts fast if there’s a potential threat.
In this guide, we’ll walk through setting up a Discord webhook to receive Wazuh alerts in a Discord server directly. This integration is made possible through the integrations module within Wazuh.
Discord Configuration:
- In Discord, select the Server, and under Text Channels, select Edit Channel (gear icon)

- Select Integrations > View Webhooks and click New Webhook
- Copy the Webhook URL

Discord Python Script:
import sys
import json
import time
import requests
# Log messages to `integrations.log` file
def logger(message):
f = open('/var/ossec/logs/integrations.log', 'a')
f.write('{0} [Discord]: {1}\n'.format(time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), message))
# Get alert json of alert file
def get_alert(alert_file):
f = open(alert_file)
alert_json = json.loads(f.read())
return alert_json
# Generate Discord message
def generate_message(alert_json):
level = alert_json['rule']['level']
# Message color depending on alert rule level
if level <= 5:
color = 16776960 # yellow
color = 15158332 # red
embed_data = {}
embed_data['title'] = alert_json['rule']['description'] if 'description' in alert_json['rule'] else 'N/A'
embed_data['description'] = alert_json['full_log'] if 'full_log' in alert_json else ''
embed_data['fields'] = []
if 'agent' in alert_json:
agent_text = '{0} (ID: {1})'.format(alert_json['agent']['name'], alert_json['agent']['id'])
'name' : 'Agent',
'value' : '{0}'.format(agent_text),
'inline' : True
'name' : 'Rule ID',
'value' : '{0} (Alert Level: {1})'.format(alert_json['rule']['id'], alert_json['rule']['level']),
'inline' : True
if 'groups' in alert_json['rule'] and len(alert_json['rule']['groups']) > 0:
'name' : 'Group(s)',
'value' : ', '.join(alert_json['rule']['groups']),
'inline' : True
if 'mitre' in alert_json['rule']:
'name' : 'Mitre Tactic',
'value' : '{0}'.format(alert_json['rule']['mitre']['tactic']),
'inline' : True
if 'pci_dss' in alert_json['rule']:
'name' : 'PCI DSS',
'value' : '{0}'.format(alert_json['rule']['pci_dss']),
'inline' : True
if 'gdpr' in alert_json['rule']:
'name' : 'GDPR',
'value' : '{0}'.format(alert_json['rule']['gdpr']),
'inline' : True
'name' : 'Location',
'value' : alert_json['location'],
'inline' : True
embed_data['color'] = color
embed_data['url'] = '{0}/app/discover'.format(server_url)
embed_data['timestamp'] = alert_json['timestamp']
message = {'embeds': [ embed_data ] }
return json.dumps(message)
# Send request to Discord webhook with the message
def send_message(message):
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept-charset': 'UTF-8'}
response = requests.post(discord_webhook_url, data=message, headers=headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get arguments
alert_file = sys.argv[1]
server_url = sys.argv[2]
discord_webhook_url = sys.argv[3]
# Get alert from file and send message
alert_json = get_alert(alert_file)
message = generate_message(alert_json)
except Exception as e:
logger('ERROR: {0}'.format(str(e)))
Wazuh Manager Configuration:
Place the script in the Wazuh manager under the path /var/ossec/integrations
assigning the following permissions and ownership:
chown :wazuh /var/ossec/integrations/custom-discord.py
chmod 750 /var/ossec/integrations/custom-discord
cp -p /var/ossec/integrations/slack /var/ossec/integrations/custom-discord
Add the integration configuration to your Wazuh manager:

Then save and restart the Wazuh manager.
The alerts are sent to Discord in real-time and are enriched with important information such as Mitre Tactic and alert full-log among others.

Hope this helps :)