avatarMarie Grace, Ph.D.



Digital Dreams, Human Screams

Mirky waters

Image: ‘Contrast Between Human Creativity and Artificial Intelligence,’ created by AI through OpenAI’s DALL-E, 2023.

“The paradox of technology is that insofar as it creates more efficiency in communication, it destroys the art of conversation.” Sir John Lubbock (1834–1913 — Notable figure in the scientific and political communities of his time)

In the whirlwind of teaching, there are moments when my mind takes off, soaring to AI-ville. Where’s the line between our human scribbles and AI’s polished prose? It’s like comparing gourmet coffee to a truck stop brew—one’s a symphony of flavors, the other’s just noise.

AI vs. human touch in writing:

So, this time, I’m grading papers, right? I hit an essay so sharp I’m thinking, “Is this kiddo Hemingway reborn or just cozy with AI?” Plot twist: They just really loved their thesaurus. It was a cocktail of pride and a poke from the uncanny valley.

Then there’s the quest for authenticity. Remember my spaghetti debacle? Aimed for “al dente,” ended up with “al dent in my pride.” Sifting through AI text feels similar—technically perfect but lacking that human oomph, the delightful chaos of a natural person’s touch.

The embrace:

But here’s the thing: Our flaws are what fascinate me. Have you ever started a joke and forgot the punchline? It’s cringe-worthy, but oh, so human. AI, with its flawless strokes, can’t capture that endearing awkwardness we all love.

Each time I dive into a written piece, I feel like I must play detective. Is it human or machine? It’s like watching a magician—mesmerized yet skeptical. Is that a real rabbit or a robot bunny? But here’s a twist: Maybe AI’s perfection is our cue to cherish our wonderfully messy human selves. When a piece strikes a chord, it’s like finding a gem, knowing someone poured their quirky, imperfect heart into it. It’s a nod to our stories, rich with flaws and stumbles.

Maybe AI’s perfection is our cue to cherish our wonderfully messy human selves.

The reader’s role in AI’s world

And you, dear reader, are the detective in this story. Your role? To sniff out that human touch. So here’s a toast to our creative spirit, quirks and all. That secret spice gives stories their kick, like a dash of hot sauce in bland soup.

Next time you read, think about the chef behind the words. Even if the turkey’s a bit dry, there’s warmth in knowing a pair of human hands lovingly overcooked it. It’s our stand in an AI world where every sentence is as perfectly bland as elevator music.

And when you’re guessing if it’s a person or AI, remember, it’s about the soul behind those words. AI might mimic our style, but it can’t match the heart behind a dad joke or the earnestness of a campfire story. Human writing is not flawless, but that is what makes it truly beautiful.


The interplay between human errors and AI’s pristine logic brings with it a certain irony. In the rhythm between AI’s digital dreams and our human stumbles, we find ourselves in a world where technology complements and challenges our creative spirit.

Never forget…

Human writing is not flawless, but that is what makes it truly beautiful!


dsstand.com. (2023). Retrieved from https://www.dsstand.com/quotes-on-side-effects-of-technology/

Staff. (2023). “How Is AI Changing the Way We Write and Create?”Retrieved from https://news.ncsu.edu/2023/03/is-ai-changing-the-way-we-write/

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