avatarBin Jiang


The author reflects on a decline in February's earnings and engagement metrics compared to January, pondering on the relationship between content quality, length, and revenue.


The article discusses the author's analysis of their recent earnings report, which shows a dip in performance for February after a strong start in January. Despite an increase in the number of stories published, the earnings per story decreased, and the average story length shortened. The author acknowledges the need to improve the quality of content and considers the impact of post length on reader engagement and earnings. They provide a detailed recap of view, read, and earnings statistics for December, January, and February, along with the average length of stories in minutes. The author suggests that increasing the read ratio and exploring the optimal story length could lead to better performance. The article also includes a promotional section for the author's Gumroad newsletter and encourages readers to follow them for updates.


  • The author believes that the quality of work needs to be improved to increase the read ratio.
  • There is an opinion that the length of a post is a significant factor in performance and should be investigated further.
  • The decrease in earnings per story is a concern, indicating that more posts do not necessarily correlate with higher overall earnings.
  • The author hints at uncertainty regarding the current effectiveness of earning reports in driving traffic.
  • Promotion of the author's Gumroad newsletter suggests a self-reflective approach to improvement and a willingness to share insights with readers.
  • The author values community engagement and acknowledges other authors who have influenced their analysis.

Did Your Earning Report Flopped?

And have you set a goal for March yet?

Image By Alexander Grey From Unsplash

I noticed that earnings for February were not as exciting as it was in January.

Maybe many goals were not met and therefore, the posts were all shorter than expected or maybe it’s just me not reading enough.

What do you think?

Earning reports is supposed to be a detailed goal and lesson-sharing moment where it tends to give a nice boost in traffic. (not sure if that is still a thing)

You might have noticed I didn’t create a full-on earning report for February.

That is because I’m still trying to process some information.

But I can give a recap here on what to expect.

Dec. 2023 ……………..Jan. 2024……….Feb. 2024.

Views: 6.6K……………12.4K…………..10.6K.

Reads: 4.3K……………7.1K…………….6.6K.

Read Ratio: 65.2%……57.3%………….62.3%

Earnings: $452.68…..$765.29………$1060.61.

EPR: $0.105…………..0.108…….…0.161. Earning per read.

Stories: 14…………….39……………….97 posts.

EPS: $32.33…….……$19.62……....$10.93. Earning per story.

The earning per story are decreasing

Story Length by Mins For Dec.2023:

5+6+6+5+6+5+4+4+4+3+3+4+5+4 = 64/14= 4.57 mins per average post.

Story Length by Mins For Jan.2024:

4+3+3+5+5+3+3+3+4+2+4+3+3+3+4+3+3+2+3+4+2+8+6+6+4+3+2+3+8+7+6+5+2+4+2+3+3+5 = 146/39= 3.74 mins per average post.

Story Length by Mins For Feb.2024:

2+3+3+3+3+2+3+8+6+4+3+2+5+4+2+2+3+4+2+3+5+2+4+1+3+3+4+3+2+3+3+3+3+2+2+2+3+2+3+3+2+3+3+2+2+4+3+4+5+4+3+3+3+1+3+4+3+3+3+2+2+2+5+2+2+2+3+3+2+2+3+3+2+3+3+4+3+2+6+3+4+3+3+4+5+4+5+3+2+1+3+3+4+2+3+5= 294/97= 3.03 mins per average post.

The average lenght of a post are decreasing as well

Based on this recap, I did need to bring my read ratio up by putting out more quality work (whatever that means or takes) and the length of a post is worth digging into for better performance.

Thanks for Reading, My Gumroad Newsletter with a free membership is out already 188 left.

Image By Joshua Earle From Unsplash
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Tagging the author of the earning reports I read plus some more.

Sam Krämer | Sompa Mensah | Oliver Lövström | Maya Collins | Tim J. Schroeder | Kristoffer Becker | Rashida Beal | Sandra Kolar | David Friend | Josh Hinton | Loretta_M | Ted Strauch

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